In an attempt to get back on topic...

"La Machine, for crying out loud! Let me fly it!"

"You flew the rest of the way! I want to land the plane!"

"Over my dead body!"

Cowgirl Jack drops her book and clutches the arm rest. "I-I-I-I don't l-l-l-l-l-like this p-p-p-p-p-part!" She rushes towards the restroom. It's occupied. "Let me in, I'm gonna be sick!"

"Hold on a minute!"

"For crying out loud, Nightwing! I'm going to be sick!"

"Jackie, I can land this plane in a minute if La Machine will just let go of the controls."

Cowgirl Jack walks toward the cockpit. She grabs La Machine by the ear and pulls him out. "Thanks, CJ."

On the ground...

"Jackie, why are you kissing the ground?"

"It feels good. I hate flying." She gets up and looks around. "Never been to California before. Let me see what they have here..." Cowgirl Jack pulls out a brochure. "There's the Museum of Fine Arts, the Museum of History--"


"Yeah!" shouts most of the JLR.

Wednesday and CJ shrug. "Whatever."

Ace turns to Wednesday. "You don't like Disneyworld?"

"I'm from Miami! It's not that far away from Disneyworld."

Cowgirl Jack nods in agreement. "Yeah, MGM Studios is just a day trip for me. Besides, we need to head to the hotel."


CJ turns to La Machine. "What?"

"I booked the place to stay. It's called 'Hard Nights Motel.'"

"Hard Nights Motel? Next time, I make the reservations."

[ 01-27-2003, 11:02 AM: Message edited by: Cowgirl Jack ]