The JLR finally reach the Hardnight Hotel. They escape from Larry's Taxi Cab, gasping for breath.
Ace: Jeez, I thought we were battling Toxic Bob again for a moment.
DLD: Could have been worse. Could have been Buttercup.
CJ: That's why we didn't bring him.
Brit: Excuse me, one moment please? [Britannica runs into a phone booth, opens up an inter-dimensional portal and disappears]
LM & AGW: Where's he off too then?
[Britannica reappears and walks over to the rest of the Team]
Brit: Sorry about that everyone, just had to vote. Jackie, you will be pleased to note you are now in the lead, with 33% of the vote. Congratulations! :)
I also thought our reading was too DC Universe orientated, so I brought my collection of Marvel Universe - the encyclopedia of nearly every major Super Hero, Villian & Team in the Marvel Universe. [Britannica starts handing out issues to everyone]
After we check in, lets meet by the pool. We have some serious training to do if we are going win this tournament!!!
JLR Assemble!!
Ace: Hey that's my job
Brit: Oops, sorry. Force of habit. . .
Ace: ok then. JLR Assemble!!! in the lobby
[ 01-28-2003, 02:51 PM: Message edited by: Britannica ]