The BABS attack continues...

Tally hoe, chaps!

"'Ey gawd, hinney!"
--Plague Dogs by Richard Adams (not an exact quote, I don't have the book on me)

"Oh aye, he's womitin'. Womitin' bad, sorr."
--All Creature Great and Small by James Herriot

This is directed to Chant:

Darn you, Chant. The only dancing I'll do with Clinton is the I'm-gonna-kick-your-rear-and-beat-you-to-a-pulp tango.

I yeah, I'll kick his...arse.

In Chant's Lair...

"Hey, Chant?"

Chant turns to see one of his two short-skirted henchgirls. "Yes, my dear Alice?"

"I'm Beatrix."

"Sorry, Beatrix. What is it?"

"Me and Alice were wondering...what's your plan for us? I mean, why get your henchmen to dress like women when you have us?"

"Ah, ladies, I have a special plan for you...the JLR wont know what hit them..."