And Cowgirl Jack is once again Harpy. She ruffles her feathers. "Caw. Harpy pretty tired now."
RM552 nodds. "I bet."
There's a small birdbath with a few pigeons. They fly of as soon as Harpy lands in the birdbath and cleans herself.
"Uh, you're not going to eat me again, are you?"
"Na. Too full now."
"Um...okay, that makes me feel a whole lot better...hey, maybe we should get back inside."
Back at the conference...
"Um...I don't know anyone by the name of Vanessa."
Miss Lang was persistant. "She seems to remember you very well."
Britannica leans over to whisper. "As your lawyer, I recommend you keep silent."
RM552, a short distance away, moans. "Darn. She probably made all that up to make Wednesday look bad. Hey, Harpy, you think you can make a distraction? I think we're done with the interview anyways."