La Machine nudges Ace. "Did you hear that? Hey, they don't know we know who they all are. How cool is that?"

"Yeah. We need to show those guys that we can kick some butt too."

"Hey, Ace?"


La Machine grinns devilishly. "I just got the crazyiest idea."


"The Young Justice is staying at some nice hotel in town, right?"

"Yeah. We would be too, no thanks to you."

"Okay, lets forget about that, okay? Lets play a little prank on them before the game tomorrow."

"Like what?" asks Ace.

"Just something I learned from an Adam Sandler movie. All we need are some lunch bags, a lighter, and some cow shit." [mwah hwah haa]


Harpy wanders through the lobby. People avoid her as she scampers her way to some food.

Something smells good. Harpy continues to sniff the air and follows a trail leading to an empty portion of the food court.

There's a small table crammed with food towering five feet in the air.

"Caw! Bingo!"

Harpy dives into a steak and some sausage links. There's a growl from the other side of the table. Harpy leans over and spots a giant green mass on the other side.

"Hulk smashed puny food-stealing birdy!"

"Caw! Harpy claw at big green man!"

It appears that the two crazy animals have met their match. The Hulk takes a second look at Harpy. [humina humina] "Does the birdy want more of Hulk's plate?"

Harpy: [humina humina]


Britannica hands Wednesday an e-mail

Re: JLR vs. YJ at 1300

Arrive at least one prior hour fully costumed.

Battles follow as such:

Britannica vs. Secret

La Machine vs. Superboy

Wednesday vs. Little Lobo

Nightwing vs. Robin

Cowgirl Jack vs. Wonder Girl

Harpy vs. Arrowette

DND vs. Impulse

RM 552 vs. Empress

"Great," moans Wednesday. "La Machine and Superboy. This I have to see."

[ 02-16-2003, 04:17 PM: Message edited by: Cowgirl Jack ]