Meanwhile, at Chant's not-so-secret-lair...

The phone rings. "Chant here."

"Hey baby!"

"Oh! Hello Alice!"

"It's Beatrix."

"Right...what are you calling me for?"

"Uh, like, we hit a snag."


"Okay, like, you know how you said you were going to infiltrate the convention with your minions? Well, the real superheroes are all here. Alice and I have seen them all."

"Curses! Well, have you manage to dispose of the JLR?"

"We're working on it, darlin'. We spiked their chocolate and have gained the attention of two of the JLR members."

"Smashing! Well, that's good news. Keep me up to date, Ali--I mean, Beatrix."

Chant sets the phone down. "Right, as soon as I'm done with this crossword puzzle, it's time to start phase two of my plan. Hmmm...'the name of a female donkey' with five letters?"

Back at the motel...

Both Wednesday and Nightwing are adjusting their suits in front of the mirror. "You look good in purple, Wednesday."

"Thanks. You think Amy and Bridget will show up tonight at the dance."

"I hope so!"

La Machine finishes fixing his hair. "I getta dance with She-Hulk...yeah..."

Britannica bangs on the bathroom door. "CJ! Are you done in there?"

"Hold on, alright!"

Cowgirl Jack in a little black dress. "Hey, look good in that."

"What, does that mean I look bad in my costume? Kidding. You guys ready to go?"

RM552 picks up a mint from the bed and starts tossing it into the air. "Yep. You know, for such a cheap place, these guys left a lot of candy on the pillows."

CJ catches the candy and puts it in her purse. "I'll need that later for Harpy."

La Machine whispers to Ace. "Hey, I talked to Jackie. Being the agriculture-oriented student she is, she noticed a cow field a few blocks away. I've got the lighter."

"Right...after the dance, we'll show that Superboy what we're made of."

"Cow dung?"

"No, La Machine..."