A rabbit? Wednesday, you have no idea what you have gotten us into. This is what he looks like, by the way:

Well, just imagine the red cape.
Chant glares at the ball of fur. "Attack the JLR, Hoppy! Nooooooow!"
'Hoppy' delivers a side kick into Ace's gut. "Nhhh!"
Nightwing prepares to toast the Marvel Bunny, but is quickly subdued by the foot-long terror.
"Run away! Run away!" (Come on, I had to make the Monty Python reference
![[mwah hwah haa]](graemlins/devil.gif)
Britannica tries to remain calm. Cowgirl Jack waves her arms to get his attention. "Get him to say 'Shazam'!"
"Uh yes...sure thing, Jack" 'Hoppy' gives Britannica the evil look as he lowers his haunches and prepares to pounce. "Uh, what's you name?"
"Sniff, sniff, grunt {Yeah pal, like that trick hasn't been pulled on me before}."
A light bulb lits over Jackie's head. "Yeah, I mean, everyone knows he's name is Shazoo anyways."
Both Britannica and 'Hoppy' look at CJ with a weird look on their faces. "Uh, Jackie, I know you're still new to all these comic-book characters, but--"
"It's Shazoo, right? Or Shamu? Something like that. Shazay?"
"Grunt, sniff, grunt {It's SHAZAM, you idiot}!"
Lightning strikes again, and 'Hoppy' is replaced by a nearly identical bunny.
Cowgirl Jack grinns. "Dakota!" She points at Chant. "Attack!"
And the only thing louder than Chant's screams as he ran from the motel like a little girl was the laughter of the JLR.
Cowgirl Jack cuddles Dakota in her arms. He's enjoying the attention. "Yes...whose the good little bunny? You are, you are...puddin' puddin' puddin'..."
La Machine taps CJ on the shoulder. "Are you baby-talking to the
"Shut up, buster." She lifts the ball of fur to his face. "This is Dakota."
Britannica finishes brushing his hair while Wednesday adjusts his purple suit. "I didn't know you had a bunny with powers like that."
"Oh, like with the whole lightning thing? Never seen him do that before. But I recognized the spot pattern on 'Hoppy', and it was same as Dakota's. It does explain why I kept on finding him on the roof of the dorm. Hmmm. My rabbit has the powers of Shazam. That's so cute!"
Ace rolls his eyes. "Great,
another animal..."
Nightwing approaches Dakota. "I don't know, he's kind of cute...OUCH! He bit me!"
"Oh, he doesn't like guys for some crazy reason."
La Machine and Britannica look at each other. "Great...just keep him hidden, okay Jackie? The motel will be mad if we have an animal here.
"No prob. He's small enough to fit in my purse."
La Machine grinns. "Ready to wow those superheroes with our dashing good looks?"
CJ looks at the others and rolls her eyes. "Oh boy...let's just go."