I don´t scream like a little girl
Chant: it went exactly as I planned, my genetically altered mad raving ostentatious and republican killer rabbit is now in the hands of the JLR, it will change into the killer rabbit from Monthy Pyton´s "the quest for the holy grail" any minute now!!!
Now I can move on to another even more sinister plan. Clinton, get over here!!
Bill Clinton gets up from his chair and crosses the room towards Chant
BC: what can I do for you Chant.
Chant: Just listen. As you know the JLR is not my only enemy, there is also the ILR that I have to consider. This band of pretenders continually denies to join my crusade against all that is good and true. Therefore I am forced to create my own ILR, or in another sense, clone the ILR, then brainwash the clones to serve me!!
BC: ehhhhh????
Chant: To do this I need a genetic sample from all the members of the ILR, which I just so happens to have already!!!
Chant pushes a button and a wall slides away reavealing a huge cloning facility. Each tube holds a specimen of the ILR, Mr. Misinformation, Toxic Bob, tractor Trailer Bob, Amazing Harry, Bundy the polar bear and Chantyana
BC: you really are cracy
Chant: what?
BC: ehhhh???
Meanwhile at the plaza where CJ has gotten into a vicicious catfight with Wonder Woman
needless to say, the fight does not go well for Cowgirl Jack
after several minutes of intense beating Cowgirl Jack lies in a bloody heap on the ground barely able to move a finger, slowly her life is slipping away
Spying the Incredible Hulk amongst the audience she gets an idea
WW: got any last wishes little girl??
CJ: cho...chocolate, I´d...I´d like a..a....a chocolate!
WW: is that all? well, I´m sure you can have that, someone bring a chocolate to a dying would-be heroine
Soon a mint chocolate is brought and fed to the mangled and Cowgirl Jack who turns into Harpy
WW: wow, you can turn into a Harpy, and it heals you instantly, well, I´ll just kick your butt again
SLAAMMMM, with a fast uppercut Wonder Woman sends Harpy slamming into a building.
Suddenly something unexpected happens and Wonder Woman turns to face this new threat
Hulk: Puny Woman hit Birdwoman, Birdwoman Hulks friend, NOW HULK VERY MAD................HULK SMASH PUNY WOMAN!!!
WW: help!
Will this be the end of Wonder Woman, Does Bill Clinton really serve Chant and how why does CJ turn into harpy when eating chocolate???
Read more some other time!