Ace: OK, DLD get your mighty mop ready! Britannica, I'm sure I'm going to regret this, but pull out your Britannerang. I've got my cards, we'll soften Hoppy up for (young)Nightwing, RM552 and CJ.
DLD & Brit: Right! (y)NW, RM552 & CJ: Ready!
LM & AGW: Hey, What about us?
(y)NW: Wednesday, it's Wednesday, have you any new powers that are able to deal with a magically enhanced evil rabbits? And La Machine, what is happing with your Nets related abilities? Is it the off-season or something?
Ace: OK everyone, JLR ASSEMBLE!!!!!
[ 03-11-2003, 09:54 PM: Message edited by: Britannica ]