Nightwing, RM552, and CJ pull La Machine and Wednesday back to clear the way for Britannica, Ace, and DND.

"Right," says CJ. "We'll miss you."

Britannica looks at Cowgirl Jack. "What?"

"Well, it's not like we're going to win this one..."

Ace's cards manage to create enough dust from crushing tiles to distract Hoppy. DND manages to give him a good whack with his mop. Britannica's Britannering soars in the air and knocks Wonder Woman out.

It's too much for CJ. "Ah-HA! The ditz!"

But she watches the trio slowly get slaughtered by the two-pound terror. Someone taps her on the shoulder. It's Bruce Wayne. "Take this."

He hands her a fake carrot. "What's this?"

"Part of my Marvel Bunny Protocols. It also works for Bugs Bunny. Just toss the carrot to him. It contains ACME sleeping pills."

"Uh...thanks Mr. Wayne."

"Call me Bruce."

Yes! He said to call him Bruce! "Sure. And call me Jackie. Here, RM552, you probably have a better arm than I do. Toss this to Hoppy."

The carrot soars over Ace, DND, and Britannica. "What the--"

Hoppy takes one sniff and eats the whole thing. He then passes out.

La Machine reaches out towards the limp ball of fur. "Aw...he's kind of cute when he's sleeping..."

Cowgirl Jack pulls him away. "Are you crazy?" She walks over to Wonder Woman's unconcious form and pulls her lasso out. "This ought to restrain him for now."

The Manager of the Hotel tries to get everyone's attention. "Ladies, Gentlemen, and the Hulk, I have an annoucement. Due to tonight events, we are closeing the ballroom early. I'm afriad tonight's event will have to end now. Remember, the first rounds begin tomorrow."

Ace looks at Cowgirl Jack. "Hey, Jackie, are you okay? You're looking a little pale."

Wednesday laughs. "CJ? Nah, she's tough as nails." He slaps her on the back and she wobbles. "Wow, you aren't looking good at all."

"I'm just feeling...a little weak...don't worry, I'll be ready to fight tomorrow..."

Wayne moves between the JLR and CJ. "Perhaps you should ride with me to your hotel." The two leave. Alice and Beatrix, hiding in the shadows, grin at each other.

Britannica drags the rabbit as the JLR head to their taxi. "Come on, gang, we're going to need to get a good night's sleep for the big game!"