But on a more serious note...
Tuesday 11:57 PM.AGW's "Chateau of Love" (Room 134 of the only available Motel in town)
Alice: It was really nice of you--
Beatrice: --to get this hotel room for us. Teehee.
A: It's really weird that they had this one last room left. Teehee.
B: Everyone else is booked. Teehee.
A: And this room only has one bed.
A and B: Teehee.
![[biiiig grin]](images/icons/grin.gif)
A: So tell us about the Britannica's weaknesses again?
AGW: Well, I don't know if I should do--
B: And could you be a dear and speak clearly into the tape recorder?
AGW: Well, ladies, see the thing is we superheroes don't usually go talking about our--
A [whispering into AGW's ear]: You know, talking about weaknesses makes me feel so...
B [whispering into AGW's other ear]: Me too.
A: Why don't you take off that handsome purple tux?
. WellBritannica'sweaknessesareasfollows...
11:58 and 12 seconds...B: Wow! So that's how you found out Britannica's weakness?
AGW: Yep. We never did fix that hole in the roof.
A and B: Teehee.
[Suddenly the phone rings]
AGW: Hello...
LM: AGW, glad I found you. Listen, you've gotta come back to the hotel.
AGW: What? La Machine? How'd you find me? No one's supposed to know I'm here!
LM: Well, I'd tell ya, but I don't think we should bog down an already long post with such details.
AGW: This is true.
LM: Anyway, Vanessa's holding a press conference and telling the world that she's the mother of your unborn love-child!
AGW: At this time of night?
LM: What can I say?
AGW and LM: Women!
AGW: Well, didn't she read my post on the last page?
LM: Apparently not. Listen, there should be a portal in the closet of your motel room. It should get you to the conference room.
AGW [jumps out of bed and throws on his handsome, purple tux]: Thanks man.
LM: Hey no problem, guy.
11:59 PM. AGW rushes into the closet and closes the door behind him. Suddenly there is a knock on the front door...
11:59 and 5 seconds... Front door: Knock, knock, knock.
... and Beatrice answers it.
B: Hey weren't you just--
La Machine runs to the closet and locks the door.
11:59 and 20 seconds AGW [from inside the closet]: Hey, is anyone out there? The door seems to be stuck.
LM [joining the ladies on the bed]: So ladies, did you know that when the Nets are having a good winning streak, I can reach Mach 2?
A: Really?
AGW [still inside the closet :lol: ]: Hello? I can hear you out there La Machine!
B: Well, I guess we got enough information for the boss. No reason we can't have a little fun.
Closet door: Blam, blam, blam.
LM: What? What boss?
A: She means that she packed enough dental floss.
A and B: Teehee.
LM: Ohhhh.
Midnight... Wednesday...AGW: I swear, La Machine, when we get back to the barn...
Inside the closet: POOF!
12:00 and 7 secondsThe Barn of Justice
AGW [one foot in a bucket of Donkey feed]: New rasafrasin' powers! Should come with a warning
[ 04-07-2003, 09:48 AM: Message edited by: AGW ]