The roof of the Hard Nights Motel(actually, floating fifty feet above it).

Ever since I rejoined the JLR, I've spent my free moments attempting to regain my memory. Now I have it back and suddenly the rats are the least of my problems. I know who I am, but sooner or later the telepathic leech closing off my subconscious may sanction off all of my memories. It's already started with my emotions, it may only be a matter of time before--Nevermind. I have to look at the bright side of all of romantic interests=no girl troubles.

"Hi there."

Or is it trouble waiting to happen?


"You can call me Kory. And you could look at me while we're talking." (Although the rear view is quite nice... [mwah hwah haa] )

"I heard that."

Koriand'r. Starfire. Princess of Tamarnan and (sometimes hotheaded) member of the Titans. Other aliases/nicknames include Kory Anders and "Bubble Bod." (The latter would certainly explain the success of her modeling career.) Turning around to face her and her bare midriff would turn most men into a puddle of unrecquainted lust.

"How's this?"


"Better than the 'rear view?'"

"Just as good. [wink] What are you doing hovering over this motel?"

"My team is staying here."

"An exercise in team bonding?"

"No, we let La Machine pick because he posted first [no no no] . Next time, we designate someone else to pick the hotel."

[nyah hah] :lol:

"Glad you think it's funny. The first night our room was overrun by rats."

"Rats? If they'd gotten in my hair..."

"They got into La Machine's hair."

[eh?] ?!

"Let's just say he didn't enjoy it."

"So what do you enjoy?"

"I don't think we should be discussing my interests."

"You're right."

I don't see what the fansites were talking about. She's a very reasonable person.

"We shouldn't be discussing anything at all..." [humina humina]

Her hoarse tone of voice is actually alluring...As is the warm comfort of her body pressing against mine. The pressure of her lips against my cheek suggest she wants something more between us. But if anyone's learned from AGW's situation with Vanessa, it's me...

"We shouldn't do this."

Flirt, Ortiz. Don't chance infuriating her.

"Not while the tournament's still going on."

That was sad. I may have to fend her off long enough for the--

"Good enough...For now."

(Starfire releases her hold on Brian. She blows him a kiss before he uses the Instant Transmission technique to get away from her.)

So that's Starfire.


She reminds me of a girl that I once knew...