The next day...
Reggie, the Official Looking Official: Ah, finally, the JLR! We were beginning to think you'd never make it to the battles.
Brit: Frankly, Reginald Farquhart-Sindgeon-Smyth-Jones, we were wondering the same.
ROLO: Well, your first match starts in five minutes. You'll be battling Young Justice, of course. Now, there's no need to worry about being at a disadvantage--
JLR: :lol:
ROLO: What?
Ace: Sorry. Could have sworn you just said we're at a disadvantage.
ROLO: Well, you are. You see, the team rosters are unevenly numbered. You have nine members (Ace, Harpy, Cowgirl Jack, La Machine, Britannica, Any Given Wednesday, Dun-Like-Dinner, Registered Member 552, and (young) Nightwing) while Young Justice has ten
(Robin III, Impulse, Superboy, Wonder Girl II, Secret, Arrowette, Empress, Slobo, The Ray, and Red Tornado).
Dun-Like-Dinner: Thanks for the roll call, but we'll be ok with--
XXXXX: Have no fear...
XXXXX: The newest member of the JLR is here!
Narrator: Who is this new member?
Will the face of the JLR be changed forever?
Why is AGW still wearing that purple tux?
Find out next post!