The JLR arm themselves and strike their fighting poses.

Dun-Like-Dinner: Chant, what're you doing here?

Chant: I've come to join the JLR in their never-ending battle against evil and tyranny, of course!

The JLR relax their poses.

Ace: But you're evil and tyranny.

The JLR re-strike their poses.

Chant: What're you talking about? I'm Chant, the Sworn Savior of...

JLR: [izzat so?] .

Chant: Stamps.

JLR: [nyah hah]

(young) Nightwing [whispering into LM's ear]: J'onn detects no malice or trickery from Chant. The postmaster's intentions seem noble.

LM: J'onn told you?

(young): He's invisible.

LM: Ohhhhh...

Reggie: Umm... is Mr. Chant a member of your team.

LM: Yes, he is.

JLR: [eh?]

LM: He's a member of the team... for now. Chant's skills may actually prove useful, and besides, I'm still the leader so what I say goes [nyah hah] .

Reggie: Well this is all very unorthodox, but I suppose we can allow it since it won't change your roster for the first fight.

JLR: [eh?] still.

Reggie: You see, the maximum number of participants allowed in any battle is five. Since both teams possess more than five members, the fight rosters have been chosen at random.

Dun-Like-Dinner: Well, who's fighting?

Reggie: Robin, Impulse, Superboy, Empress, and Wondergirl versus Britannica, Harpy, Ace, Any Given Wednesday, and (young) Nightwing.

Dun-Like-Dinner: Well, that not--

Reggie: Oh, and your fight starts in 45 seconds.

JLR: Crap!

DLD: Well, good luck guys. By the way, why ARE you still wearing that tux, AGW?

AGW [shrugs]: Ummmmm, well you see it's very simple--

Somewhere else, both staring through THEIR OWN pairs of binoculars.

Alice: This is not good.

Beatrix: Not good at all.

Even with their newest member, the JLR find their numbers suddenly cut in half. Can these five heroes of the JLR defeat some of Young Justice's most powerful members?
Find out next post!