Alice: You think this is all part of Chant's plan?

Beatrix: I dunno, I---

Suddenly, a man runs in holding a electronic doohickey.

Bill Clinton: Some sorta super being's taken over Chant. He really does think he's a good guy.

A and B: Who're you?

Bill: I'm Bill Clinton. I'm the ex-President but now I'm working for Chant.

A and B: [eh?]

Bill: Well, Hillary's only a Senator. Big money cut for the family, believe me.

A and B: [eh?]

Plus Chelsey's an expensive girl to maintain, ya know. With all those boys are her.

A and B: [eh?]

Bill: Ok, so no boys will even touch her. Look, DON'T JUDGE ME!!

A and B: [nyah hah]

Bill: Well, Chant gave me this electronic thingie and told me to use it to find you two if anything ever went wrong. Who are you, anyways?

Alice: Alice

Beatrice: And Beatrix. We work for Chant.

Bill: Really? Like interns?

Alice and Beatrix look at each other.

Alice: I guess so.

Bill: You know, ladies, I play the sex, I mean sax [um....  uh huh! ...  ] ...

Beatrix: Really [humina humina] ?