Meanwhile, back at the Hard Nights Motel...

(y)N: I'm gonna head out myself. If Bruce is in town, the others can't be far behind.

Britannica: The "others?"

(y)N: His network.

AGW: You're not gonna spy on Bruce and CJ, are you?

(y)N: No. I'm just gonna meet up with an old friend.

((young) Nightwing instant transmissions hismelf out of the room.)


I'll head over to the Titans' hotel first. It's been a little to long since I last spoke to--

((young) Nightwing's thought is interrupted as he turns around to discover a shapely figure obstructing his field of vision.)

Starfire: Enjoying the view?

Kory, better known as Starfire. [izzat so?] She actually caught me by surprise...

(y)N: Hi, Kory. I was about to head over to the Titans' hotel.

SF: awww...Well, I'm here, so no one else has to know about your crush on me [biiiig grin] .

(y)N: Actually, I wanted to speak to Dick.

SF: [izzat so?] Why?

(y)N: To do some catching up. We can fly there so you and I can do the same. I just wanna stop by Young Justice's hotel room to speak to Robin and Superboy first.

SF: Sure.

(y)N: And for the record, I got over my crush on you when I was seven.

SF: [nyah hah] Right. Wait...Just how old are you anyway?

(y)N: Twenty-One.

SF: [whaaaa!] ...You're going to have to explain your whole aging process to me...

  • How did(young) Nightwing age so "quickly?"
  • Will he and Starfire discover what La Machine and Ace have done to Superboy?
  • Will (young) Nightwing's budding rivalry with the mighty clone still be able to take a surprising turn towards friendship?
  • How is Ace faring with Rogue?
You'll have to keep reading to find out.