Narrator: Unable to locate (Young)Nightwing, Britannica walks along the main street, hands in pockets, head down and deep in thought about the JLR's next match.

Brit: Lets see, the Defenders have Doctor Strange, Sub-Mariner, Hulk (CJ will be pleased [nyah hah] ), Silver Surfer, Valkyrie, Nighthawk & Hellcat. . .

Narrator: Our hero walks past an alley-way, when suddenly. . .

Alley: psssst!

[Britannica stops suddenly and looks down the alley]

Brit: I beg your pardon!?!

Alley: I said, "psssst!"!

Brit: That's what I thought you said? That's not very polite you know!

Alley: Just get in here now will you! Before someone sees you!

Brit: Hmmmm, This is very strange. I probably shouldn't do this. . .

[Britannica looks both ways down the main street and checks that he isn't being watched. When he is sure nobody is looking, he enters the alley!]

Narrator: Is the voice from the alley a friend or foe?
Is our hero walking into a trap?
If so, how will he escape?
And how will Britannica catch up with (young)Nightwing now, so he can be introduced to Oracle?
These questions and more, will be answered next time!