DLD: Hey! He's getting mud all over the floor. I just cleaned that!
AGW: Don't worry DLD, it is a hotel. Maid service will clean it.
Ace: Yeah, but what caused The La to turn ferral?
Brit: hmmmm I've got it! Now that the Nets are out of the finals and the series over. La Machine must degenerate into this Man-Thing-like creature. You could say he is now Nets-Thing!
(y)NW: But Britannica, I can sense La Machine's prescence in that body.
Brit: hmmm again. . . Ah-ha! It's obvious! As I have just speculated La Machine reverts into a mindless monster in the off-season. Especially when the Nets have performed poorly. However, this year the Nets overall season has been their best, with 52 wins and 30 losses. Therfore, I propose that La Machine this year has been able to retain some control over his vegibeastal form. That would mean if the Nets had actually won the competition, La Machine would have retained his original humanoid form and increased abilities.
RM552: So how long will this last?
Brit: Well obviously until the start of the next NBL season.