In the battle arena, our combating heroes are huddled together. . .
Chant: So La Machine, who do you want us to match up against?
LM: Right. Well I’ll go up against Hellcat. . .
Chant: Hang on, in your vegibeastial form wouldn’t it be better for you to go against the Hulk?
LM: Nooo, I’m field leader, so I get the perkies!
JLR: The what?
LM: umm, I meant the perks. . .
LM: nevermind
RM552: I’ve got Namor right?
LM: You’ve got Namor, shesh! [Looks to CJ, DLD and Chant] So as soon as RM552 and I have taken care of our opponents, we’ll give the rest of you a hand with the Hulk, Silver Surfer and Doctor Strange, OK? [nods approvingly at his own cunning plan]
CJ: That’s your brilliant plan, you *#(@$*&@%*^@&*(^@(#^!@#()&$*^@$. . .
LM: well it sounded good to me. . .
Announcer: Combatants! Let’s get ready to Ruuuuuummmmmbbbbbllllleeeeee!!!!!
LM: Hang on! We haven’t finished our huddle yet!!!!