CHANT vs. DOCTOR STRANGE Doctor Strange, the most powerful mage in the Marvel Universe leads the Defenders, ready to unleash his most arcane magics against the Defender’s foes – the Justice League Reality! However, the Sorcerer Supreme is unprepared for the JLR’s champion, whom he must vanquish. . . Doctor Strange: Ch-Ch-Chant!!!
[The Doctor halts his attack]
*skreeeeech* Announcer: But wait! What’s this? Doctor Strange is backing away from Chant!?!
Chant: That’s right Strange! You may be a big shot where you come from. But I have a magic trick for you! Pick a postcard any postcard! [Chant pulls out several razor edged postcards from his post bag and hurls them at Doctor Strange]
Doctor Strange [starts an incarnation]:
a la peanut butter sandwiches! [a multi-coloured golf umbrella mystically appears which deflects all of the postcards] B-But how can you be working with the JLR? [He starts another spell]
Double, double toil and trouble. Fire burn, and cauldron bubble! Announcer: Doctor Strange is back on the offensive!
[About 20 bubbles appear and slowly float towards Chant. Chant dives and rolls out of the way, long before the bubbles reach their intended target (which pop harmlessly when they touch the ground)]
Chant [looks at where the bubbles burst, then at Doctor Strange]: Hey, are you taking this fight seriously?
![[you sunnuva...]](images/icons/mad.gif)
[Chant pulls out a stack of letter bombs] And why wouldn’t I, Chant, the Mailing Marvel, the Deliverer of Justice, be an honoured member of the JLR? [Chant throws the letter bombs at Doctor Strange]
Doc Strange [musing to himself, as he dodges Chant’s attack]: But he looks like Chant, sounds like Chant
*sniff* ![[eh... i dunno... ]](graemlins/ehidunno.gif)
and smells like Chant. He even gets high-pitched and whiney when he’s peeved off. Maybe he’s a clone?
[Unfortunately for the preoccupied Sorcerer Supreme, he fails to notice another of Chant’s special deliveries]
*BANG* Announcer: Who would have thought! Chant lands a blow on Doctor Strange!
Ace: Look at Chant go!
Brit: Lucky for us he never displayed this sort of co-ordination when he was evil.
(y)NW: Something is wrong here. Doctor Strange should be wiping the floor with Chant! This doesn’t make sense?
AGW: I don’t know, I think Doctor Strange is quite entertaining.
Announcer: Doctor Strange has regained his composure and is making another attack!
Doctor Strange: za za za! juslikethat! [A bunch of colourful flowers appear from nowhere and the Doctor throws them at Chant, which hits the JLR member right in the face]
Chant: oww!
*Atichoo* Damn! My allergies!
Announcer: Doctor Strange is pressing home his advantage!
Doctor Strange: Hey Rocky! Watch me pull a rabbit out of me hat! *riiiiiip* [He tears one of his shirt sleeves off]
Nothing up me sleeve. . . Chant: Ahh, that trick’ll never work. . . you don’t have a hat. (and who’s Rocky?)
Doctor Strange: huh?
[checks his head and realises he indeed does not posses a hat]
![[you sunnuva...]](images/icons/mad.gif)
That’s it! [He thrusts out his clothed arm and]
SHAZAM! [hundreds of silk scarves (each a different colour or pattern) tied together end-on-end, shoot out of Doctor Strange’s sleeve and entwine themselves around Chant]
Chant: mmmmmmpppphhh!
Announcer: Doctor Strange appears to have Chant all wrapped up! But wait one moment. . .
*Cuuuuuuuut* [Chant cuts himself out of the scarves]
Chant: Ha Ha! You didn’t take into consideration my letter opener!
Doctor Strange: Curses!
Chant: Or my envelope glue-gun [Chant pulls out his glue gun, aims at the magician, and fires]
*Spluuuuurt* *Splosh* Announcer: Direct Hit! Doctor Strange is going down! What an upset!
Doctor Strange: Aggghhhh*
Crowd: whoa!
Ace & AGW [hug each other]: Yay Chant!
(y)NW and Brit: hmm
Chant: Ha Ha! Bwahahahahahahaha I am victorious!
![[mwah hwah haa]](graemlins/devil.gif)