Announcer: The Hulk smashes Cowgirl Jack across to the other side of the arena and is leaping over to have another bash.

CJ: Ohhh, my head! Must...get...up! Must...defeat...Hulk

Harpy: *Caw* NOOOOOOOOO! *Caw* *Caw* Don't hurts Hulk! *Caw*

CJ: Damit Harpy! My head already feels like its going to split open, without you screeching in there too. . . oops. . .


Announcer: Cowgirl Jack dodges Hulk's attack just in the knick of time. Though the li’l lady looks mighty wobbly on her feet. . .

Hulk: Rrrraaaagggghhhh!!!!

[Cowgirl Jack manages to put some distance between herself and the Hulk by negotiating through the maze-like barricades and trenches in the battle arena. The Hulk is now getting very frustrated having lost the Heroine of the JLR. However, Jackie has more than the Hulk to worry about, as Harpy is still screeching at CJ]

Harpy: *Caw* Don't hurt Hulk! Don't hurt Hulk! *Caw*

CJ: Harpy! Shut up will you! [The Hulk is alerted to CJ's location by the cry and starts smash through the barricades to get to CJ] Oh great, look what you've done you featherbrain. I don't think the Hulk is going to be as concerned about our welfare, as you are his. I'm gonna have to take him on. . . if only my head wasn't feeling so cotton-wooly. . . [Jackie goes to jump out of the trench in a last ditch effort to attack the Hulk]

Harpy: *CAW* Don't Hurt My Jolly Green Giant! *CAW* *CAW* I Loves Him! *CAW* [AAAHHHH!!!]

CJ [stops mid-jump]: [whaaaa!] Hey! What exactly did you and the Hulk get up too at the tournament dinner the other night? [izzat so?]

Harpy: *Cooo* That would be telling *Cooo* [who, me?]

CJ: Oh My Godfather! Please tell me you didn't!!!

Harpy: *cooo* maybe *cooo* [biiiig grin]

CJ [very shaky]: I think I'm going to be siiiiiiiiiiick. . .*

Announcer: Oh No! Cowgirl Jack has passed out! And the Hulk has just reached the unconscious heroine! Oh, I can't watch!


Ace, AGW, Brit & (y)NW: JACKIE!!!! [whaaaa!]


[With Cowgirl Jack unconscious, she starts to transform into Harpy, as the JLR’s PMS heroine is now in control of their shared body]

Harpy: *coooo* hulk *cooooo*

Hulk: Har-pie? :)


Announcer: Chant having just taken out Doctor Strange appears to have the Hulk next on his delivery rounds!

Chant: Get away from her you monster!

[Chant throws more letter bombs at the Hulk]


Announcer: Oh no! Chant’s letter bombs have bounced of the Green Goliath’s invulnerable body and caused a barricade to fall on top of Cowgirl Jack!

Harpy: coooooooo* [Now that Harpy is also unconscious, she transforms back into Cowgirl Jack]

Chant: Oops!


Announcer: It looks like all Chant has done is to make the Hulk angry. And you wouldn’t like to see the Hulk angry!

Chant: Eep!

To be continued. . .