Pig Iron: " Man, this stack of dishes is really getting tall."

CJ: " Dishes? My sole purpose in life is to care for the needs of my male counterparts. I will gleefully care for your dishwashing needs."

Pig Iron: " Wow, my windows are starting to get a heavy build-up of dust particles."

Harpy: " OHMYGOSH. I live to scrub windows and please my dream man Pig Iron when not trying to incubate my eggs."

Pig Iron: "It's so good to have ladies like you around to fulfill my masculine desires and needs."

CJ: " Oh, yes Master. I live to serve."

Harpy: " Certainly my liege. I could never think of fertilizing the eggs of these lesser posters. I live to serve only you. More windows please."

Pig Iron: " Yes, you are fabulous models of femininity and womanhood. You please me. You may linger in my presence longer."

CJ: " Thank you, my sweet, sweet loveykins."

Harpy: " Bless the ground you walk upon my pleasant Piggie. May I continue washing your windows and window treatments?"

Pig Iron; " Yes, it pleases me to see you finding such enjoyment in your womanly work little doves of mine."

Sorry I couldn't resist... :)