552: Okay people, the guy's seeing pigs. We need to get him to a hospital, stat.
Brit: But mom, I don't wanna go to Siberia this summer...
The JLR rush to assist their fallen comrade, Brit, off the floor.
AGW: I could teleport the two of us to the hospital. We'd get there at light speed.
(young) Nightwing: Well, I could instant transmission us to the hospital, getting us there at faster-than-light speed.
Brit: The sun is so pretty at night...
Harpy: CAW! Harpy eat JLR!
552: Harpy, please! We've got an emergency here.
Harpy: Caw... JLR lucky pig was so filling.
Vegi-La: I thought Brit imagined the pig. So how did Harpy--
(young): Plot hole.
Vegi-La: Oh.
Brit: Look, its Goldie. Goldie was my fish. Then Goldie fell asleep. I shouldn't have left Goldie on the stove for so long.
Chant: Maybe if I send him "prior day" mail we can--
Vegi-La: <SLAP> There's no time for that! (young) get him out of here.
AGW: Wait! Baywatch is on.
Vegi-La: We don't have time.
AGW: It's Season 8, Episode 11 where Pamela Anderson gives Carmen Electra mouth-to-mouth.
Vegi-La: It doesn't matter. Brit is on the brink of--
David Hasselhoff as Mitch Buchannon: I don't think Lani's gonna make it. She needs deep, heavy mouth-to-mouth, and she needs it now!
Pamela Anderson Lee as C.J. Parker: I'll do it.
(young): I suppose Brit could last a few more minutes.
Brit: What big wings you have, Clarence.