An hour later after the show is over...
JLR minus CJ/Harpy- Ahhhhhh....
Vegi-La- Man Baywatch rocks!
RM-552- You're telling me.
Brit- Alright! It's over, can we go now?
AGW- Ohhh theres another episode on. Infact it's a whole marathon!
Brit- Arghhhhhhh!!!
(young)- Oh right Brittanica uhh do you think that you could maybe hold out for just a little longer...
Brit- NO!!!
*sigh*Ace- Okay fine. You guys carry Brit to the streets to find a cab. I'll set the VCR to record it.
They grab Brit and drag him outside
Brit- Owww! Hey watch it! That hurt! Don't drop me!
They all head out to find a cab
Ace- Uhhh Ceej aren't you coming............. Here let me help outside......
CJ/Harpy- Grrrrrrrrrr......
Ace- Yikes!
Umm okay new plan how about we go to the hospital with Brit and you stay perfectly content right where you are huh? Good right? Well see ya....
Whew thank God I got out of there safetly.
Ace spots the rest of the team crammed into a small yellow cab.
Ace- Think you guys could make some room?
JLR- .......
Ace- Right
Ace squeezes into the cab barely fitting.
Chant- Hey who's hand was that?
Cab Driver- Where to Bub?
Later at the hospital
Vegi La- Tell me doctor is he going to be okay? Is he going to live? Tell me. TELL MEEEEE!!!
(young)- Um La that's a model of a skeleton.
Vegi La squinting at the skeleton- By golly you're right! It is.
(young) turning towards the doctor- Anyways what my over-dramatic friend here wanted to know is will Brittanica be okay?
Doctor- Oh yes he'll be just fine. Of course I wouldn't have him running around fighting in a contest against superheros for charity anytime soon but just a while off his foot and he'll be fine and dandy.
JLR- Damn just our luck..
Chant- Oh well I guess we should be heading back to the hotel. We'll need all the rest we can get. Without Brit I have no idea how we'll beat the FKAJL.
Well lets plan out the fight a bit so we know what to do for the fight.
RM552- Alright I want to fight Captain Atom.
Ace- Okay and I'll take Booster anyone else have any preferences?