Meanwhile. . .

Narrator: Di Bat Pho has positioned herself on the roof of an adjoining building and is spying through the hotel room window of the Defenders. They are certainly living up to their Non-Team status, as they are arguing with each other. Though the Super Agent can’t hear what is being said, it is obvious that they are laying blame on each other for loosing yesterdays match to the JLR.

All are arguing except the Hulk, who is sitting in the middle of the sofa, which is sagging alarmingly with both ends sticking up in the air. He looks very sad, looking down at the ground. His shoulders rise and fall as he lets out huge sighs.

All of a sudden the Sub-Mariner throws a vase at Hulk, yells something and points an accusing finger at the depressed behemoth.

Hulk looks up at his Non-Team-mates with a blank expression, which slowly turns into a scrowl, he leaps up off the sofa and lets out a [AAAHHHH!!!] !

The Defenders stop their arguing and look at the Hulk, who has just picked up the sofa and thrown it at them!

Defenders: [whaaaa!] *scamper*

DBP: This could be useful.

Narrator: Di Bat Pho observes the Hulk smashing his Non-Team-mates and trashing the room like he is some kind of rock star. All of a sudden something is thrown out the window. . .


Narrator: It is Valkyrie! Di Bat Pho can now hear what is being said in the room.

Hulk: Hulk Want Har-Pee!!! [AAAHHHH!!!]


Narrator: Di Bat Pho’s view of the fight is obscured as dust fills the room and billows out of the smashed window. Suddenly the Hulk leaps out of the window, taking half the wall with him!

Di Bat Pho goes to follow the Hulk who is leaping into the distance in the direction of the JLR hotel, when suddenly. . .

Innocent mother pushing a pram, looking up at the falling wall heading straight for her: Help! Somebody save my baby!!! [AAAHHHH!!!]

DBP: *sigh* [no no no] I am coming.

Narrator: Di Bat Pho jumps off the roof and using her super-human reflexes and speed leaps from window-sill to window-sill until she reaches the ground. She then runs across the road dodging cars (which have been left by their owners, who are now running for their lives), grabs the baby out of the pram, grabs the mother and leaps out of the way just as the falling wall squashes the pram to the thickness of a pancake!

Innocent mother who was pushing a pram, looking up at the falling wall, which was heading straight for her: Oh thank you? How can I ever repay you?

DBP: Next time a falling wall is heading straight for you, run, please.

Innocent mother who was pushing a pram, looking up at the falling wall, which was heading straight for her: [notices the pram] Hey who’s going to pay for my pram?

Narrator: Di Bat Pho has run over to the fire escape door - which turns out to be locked. One karate-kick later and the door is hanging on its hinges and Di Bat Pho is racing up the stairs. . .

DBP: Stupid mothers who just stand looking at falling walls heading straight for them. Stupid safety hazards, locking fire escape doors. . . [...rassamnfrackin...]

Narrator: Di Bat Pho reaches the floor of the Defenders room and finds their room door was smashed open during the Hulk’s rampage. She enters the room to find the Defenders unconscious, except for Doctor Strange.

DBP: [grabbing Doctor Strange by his shirt, lifting him up and shaking him a bit] Strange! Where is the Hulk going? Who is she?

Strange: She? [eh?]

DBP: He! I meant "Who is he?"

Strange: Oh. Hey, why should I tell you anything? Who are you anyway?

DBP: [shaking Doctor Strange more violently] I am asking the questions here! Now I won’t ask again! Who is the Hulk! Where is she going!

Strange: you mean he don’t you?

DBP: [shaking Doctor Strange even more violently] Answer the question!

Strange: Stupid creature has a thing for Harpy of the JLR. Wants to be with her. I told everyone it was a stupid idea to have a Paper-Golem be the Hulk, but there was nobody tall enough. . . well actually no one wanted to wear the purple pants. . .

DBP: The Hulk is a Paper-Golem!?!

Strange: [looking like he has just come to his senses] oops! Did I say that? [um....  uh huh! ...  ]

*chop* [the sound of Di Bat Pho giving Doctor Strange a karate-chop]

Narrator: Soon Di Bat Pho is speeding away on the Di Bat Xe Mo To towards the JLR hotel. But with the Hulk coming knocking and the egg ticking, will she be in time to help the JLR?

Find out in our next eggciting installment . . .