CJ: Well the shell is cracked now. And look, it is a bomb!

Bomb: 19...18...17

CJ: Okay...Nightwing, you take care of the problem! *tossed bomb to Nightwing*

Bomb: 16...15...

Nightwing: No way! *tosses to Wednesday*

Wednesday: No way! *tosses to more JLR members, all passing around like they are playing 'Hot Potatoe'*

Bomb: 14...13...12...11..10...

Harpy: Screw it, you assholes! Harpy will do it herself! *grabs bomb, crashes thorugh door, and hi-tails it up to the sky*

Wednesday: Aw...we got CJ pissed...again...

Bomb: 9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...KABOOM

Harpy: SQUAK! *crashes back to JL, after smashing a hole in the hotel roof* Caaaaaaw *feathers are all burnt* Did you order original or extra crispy?