Ace jumps over to Booster trying to tackle him.
His face slams against one of Boosters force fields.
Ohhhhh you’re going to regret that one Booster…
Ace flips open a pack of cards and flings them at Booster.
*Cling* *cling* *clang*
Every card bounces off of his force field and ricochet off into the crowd.
People in the crowd- Aughhhh! Duck and cover!
Booster- Yawnnnn… I don't even have to try.
Ace- Yeah well why don’t you try playing a little 52 pickup.
Ace grabs a whole deck of cards and flings the whole thing at Booster all at once.
Booster still stands safely behind his force field without a scratch.
Ace- Dayummm…
Booster- Slow learner huh? You’re not by any chance related to Guy Gardner are you? Well let me help get it through to you.
Booster shoots a blast and hits Ace dead on.
Ace- Oof ow This isn’t going exactly according to plan
Booster- What was that?
Ace- Oh well uh what I said was this is all going according to my plan.
Booster- Oh really
Ace- Yeah really
Booster- Oh really
Well take this
Ace- Owwie
(Wait a minute I think I got an idea….)
Hey Booster why don’t you tell me a little about your powers… Does that force field go all around you.
Booster- Yep sure does. Bet you wish you had one right about now.
Ace- Oh ohh yeah…. And that force field…It’s wall is pretty hard right? Like a solid box going around you?
Booster- Uh huh. Completely unpentetratable.
Ace- Huhmm…. Well how about that. Pssssst….La get over here. I need your help.
La Machine- Of course you need my help. I am La Machine after all. The smartest strongest and of course cutest member of the JLR.
Ace- Just shut up and help me lift Boosters force field will ya?
La Machine- Okey dokey
Ace and La Machine reach down under Boosters shield and lifts up.
Booster- Hey! HEY!!! What are you doing? Whoa, hey stop it!
Ace- Guess you’re a slow learner eh Booster? Well allow me to get it through to you. Start shaking it La Machine
*Ooof oww bang crash*
Booster rattles around and bangs against the sides of his force field till he’s knocked out.