AGW- Hey Brit; what’s say we team up on Beetle?

Brittanica- Well that sounds like a lovely idea Wednesday.

Beetle- Heyyy come on guys… Two against one. That’s not very nice.

AGW- Yeah well were not very nice!

Brit- Well that’s not true. I’d say I’m an exceptionally nice young man. And you? Why just the other day you were calling your own grandmother and wishing her a happy birthday. And then later when you dropped by the orphanage to deliver toys to all the young boys and gir-

AGW- Psh sh sh shhh… Bri-it! I told you not to tell anyone about that… I have an image to uphold.

Brit- Oops. Sorry sorry. My bad, I forgot.

AGW- Yeah yeah that’s okay…just… try to remember next time huh?

Brit- Alright let’s get back to the fight.

Beetle snuck behind the two while they were talking and has his gun aimed at them.

Beetle- Aha!

AGW- Oh wow. You know I have to say I don’t think I remember you ever using your gun.

Brit- Yeah you know now that you mention it me neither. What kind of gun is that anyways. Bullets or lasers or some kinda non-lethal gas…maybe a plastic restraint thingee….

Beetle- It’s a gun that shoots. That’s all you need to know.

Brit- Well yeah I mean obviously it shoots something but what we were asking was-

AGW- Uh actually Brit I think that was his was of telling us to be quite.

Beetle- That’s right. Now can it!

Brit- Can it what? Shoot?

AGW- [no no no]

Beetle- Fine you wanna know so badly why don’t I show you.

Blue Beetle pulls the trigger and out pops a little white flag that says BANG!.

Brit- So that’s what that does.

Beetle- Yeah…It’s mostly for show really, and, you know, the contest wouldn’t let me bring a real gun and everything. Anyways it’s really complicated and I really don’t want to talk about it. It’s kind of embarrassing.

Brit- Well that’s funny. They let me bring my Brittanerang. See?

Brit pulls out his Brittanerang and tosses it into the air. It swings around and knocks Wednesday and Brittanica right in the head knocking them out. They fall unconscious and land right on top of Blue Beetle

Beetle- Hey get offa me. Hey I can’t breathe.

In a matter of minutes Beetle passes out from lack of oxygen.

A few more minutes later Brittanica and Wednesday wake up

AGW- Oww my head is killing me. Brit do you still carry that Advil for whenever you use your Brittanerang.

Brit rubbing his swollen head- No sorry I just used the last one.