The next morning (Tuesday 7.45am), in the JLR hotel room. . .

Britannica and Di Bat Pho are enjoying breakfast together, Brit is reading the headlines about the JLR's latest success at the convention.

(young)Nightwing is meditating upstairs and CJ is in the gym working out. The others are still asleep (i.e. recovering from the previous nights victory celebrations). Ace however is strangely absent. . .

Brit: Look at this love, we've made the quarter finals!

DBP: That's nice dear [yuh huh]

Brit: Looks like the Avengers, X-Men, JLA have too. Also. . .

Just then Ace bounds into the hotel room, grinning like a chesshire cat. [biiiig grin]

Brit: [looking up from the paper] Morning Ace. How are y. . .?

Ace skips over to Britannica and. . .


punches his teammate right in the jaw!

Brit: [picking himself off the floor] Bwuddy Ell! Wot did you do dat for!?! [you sunnuva...]

Ace: Look what I bought last night! [thrusts out both his fists, to show two rings, one in the shape of a heart the other a club] They were $2.50 each! It's a bit like having a love/hate tatoo, but not as perminant. [biiiig grin]

DBP: They look very nice, but what are they for?

Ace: Well I got this idea from the Phantom - you know the one, the Ghost who walks - well with this ring (lifts up his fist with the club ring) I will mark my enemies to show I will be keeping an eye on them. With this one (indicates the ring with the heart) I will mark my friends and other members of society, to show they are under my protection!

Brit: Mard? [Brit races over to a mirror] Bwuddy Ell! Dere's a art on my cwin!

DBP: What!?!

Ace: I think he said there's a heart on his chin. See that's my protection mark!

Just then (young)Nightwing and CJ enter the room.

(y)NW: [looking at Britannica by the mirror and the upturned chair and strewen newspaper and breakfast things] Good morning everyone. What happended here?

Ace: Hey (young), CJ, Look what I got! [Goes to run up to (young)Nightwing] [biiiig grin]

(y)NW: Don't even think about it! [izzat so?]

Ace: Maybe some other time then? [gulp!]

(y)NW: Speaking of time, have you all had a chance to consider my suggestion of training in the Room of Spirit and Time?

Brit: Will id cosd mudge?

CJ: What did he say?

Ace: I think he asked will it cost much?

(y)NW: Just a year of our time.

Brit: [turning to Di Bat Pho] oobs, sowwy dear, loogs lige de wedding will have do be pud bad a year. . .

Ace: I think he said. . .

DBP: I heard her.

Ace, (y)NW & CJ: Him.

DBP: Whatever. . . [...rassamnfrackin...]