Just then Chant walks into the room with a satisfied smirk on his face

DBP: and why are you so happy?

Chant: well, you see, last night I woke up after having this strange dream!

Ace: and???

Chant: well, I dreamt that I was building a giant paper golem in my room!

DBP: A giant....what??

Brit: paver Golem!!

Just then a huge resounding crash comes from Chant´s room and a roar fills the morning air!

Ace: what was that?

Chant: the Giant Paper Golem I build last night, unfortunately it is now out of control

Brit: So why the smirk??

Chant: well, I didn´t want to alarm you, but I do have one suggestion!

DBP: and what is that??


just then the 60 feet tall Paper golem crashes through the roof and into the kitchen!

what happens next?