The now awakened Chant leaps up to answer CJ´s question holding up a strange device he pulled from his backpack

Chant: Deoderant!!

JLR: [eh?]

Chant: It´s quite simple, if you want to incinerate the golem you hold up the lighter like thus

Narrator: Chant holds up the deoderant

Chant: then you pull out a lighter, ignite it, and start spray the deoderant through the fire, which should, in theory, create a homemade flamethrower!

JLR: [whaaaa!]

CJ: how do you know that?

Chant: well, let´s just say that I had a job once which involved killing cochroaches, I rooted them out with fire!

JLR: [no no no]

Chant: Of course the old woman who lived in the house said that she wanted me to smoke them out, and I thought that since fire creates smoke, and.....well, to make a long story short, I burned down the house!!

JLR: [no no no] [yuh huh] [no no no]

(Y)N: well Chant, shall we continue the plan, shall we incinerate the Paper Golem?

Chant: right, but I must tell you however, there is a slight problem with this plan!

(Y) N: [izzat so?]

Chant: I accidently made the golem fireproof [gulp!]


Chant: he.....he....he....ehhhhhh


Narrator: As Chant tries to evade the JLR as they charge after him strange memories stirs in the back of his head all the while the Giant Paper Golem rages on outside the building!!

Will Chant appease his friends, what are those strange memories and can paper really be fireproof??

read more when someone decides to write something!