Narrator: The next two posts are SMILEY-FREE.... really!

(young) Nightwing: Well, that golem completely wrecked our living quarters and we are left with nowhere to sleep. Guess that means we're going to the Room of Spirit and Time after all.

Britannica: Funny how that worked out.

(young) Nightwing: Indeed.

Cowgirl Jack: I'm not sure about this.

(young) Nightwing: CJ, this is an opportunity to achieve one year’s worth of training in our own pocket universe while only a day passes in The Real World. What troubles you?

CJ: I don’t know if I want to spend a year stuck in some weird manga universe with eight guys. It’s bad enough sharing a hotel room with you guys.

Brit: If you’re worried about being the only girl----

CJ: Woman.

Brit: Yes, ma'am. Well, CJ, there’s no need to fret. My lovely fiancée will be joining us.

Di Bat Pho: OH NO!! I mean... I will?

Brit: Of course, love.

DBP: Oh. Well, I am not so sure that would be a great idea. I am, after all, only a part-time member. Yes, it is best that I stay behind and work on the wedding invitations.

Brit: Nonsense. This will be the perfect chance for you and I to spend quality time together, away from the Incredible Hulks and innocent, pram-pushing mothers of the world.

Just then, a droopy-eyed La Machine walks down the stairs.

CJ: La!

Vegi-La [still half asleep]: Huh?

CJ: Put on some pants!

The La looks down and realizes his mistake...

Vegi: Oh, my bad.

...then slowly trudges up the stairs.

DBP: One... whole... year.

Any Given Wednesday [walking down the stairs]: Hey, La isn’t wearing any pants.

Everyone: We know!

AGW: Alrighty then.

Ace: Hey, Wednesday, look at this.

Ace draws his right fist and lunges across the room at AGW...

AGW [throwing his hands up to cover his face]: Over there!


Leaving Ace to land face first in a chair.

Ace: OW!

DBP: What just happened to her?

Brit: It's just Wednesday. Weekly thing. You'll get used to it.

DBP: Oh dear.

(y)N: Well, it’s settled. I’ll give everyone time to repack their things before I instant transmission us to the tower of Earth's guardian.

CJ and DBP: .....

Ace and Brit: Yay!

Tuesday, almost midnight. There is a mild crackle of air at the tower of Earth’s Guardian

Dende: Ah, there you are. Glad to see you, my friends.

CJ and DBP: .....

(y)N: Is everything ready?

Dende: Of course. Mr. Popo has worked tirelessly to make the changes you requested. Everything is exactly as you asked.

Registered Member 552: Changes?

(y)N: On behalf of the Justice League Reality, I thank you, Dende.

Vegi-La: Who died and made him ambassador?

JLR: Shush!

Mr. Popo escorts the JLR to a huge door.

Mr. Popo: I hope you like it. I did everything I could to make it comfortable.

(y)N [flashing the stout little man a warm smile]: I’m sure everything will be perfect.

Mr. Popo gives our hero a wide smile back and opens the door to the Room of Spirit and Time. The JLR are surrounded by a familiar white light and, hearts racing, walk in behind a steady (young) Nightwing.

And with a final, heavy clunk, the door to the Room of Spirit of Time closes behind them and disappear.

552: What’s that?

552 was the first to see something in the distance.

(young) [guiding the team towards it]: This will be your first time training in The Room. Since many of you aren’t conditioned for the harsh environment my fellow Z-fighters and I are used to, I asked Dende to provide a few... accommodations.

DBP: It is...

552: A mansion!