(young) is the first to walk into their new home but it isn't long before the other members start trickling in.

Brit: This mansion is huge!

Chant: Whoa!

DLD: How many bedrooms does this place have?

(y)N: Nine. Actually, I hadn't counted on Di Bat Pho joining us. Perhaps she and CJ can--

Brit: DBPcansleepinmyroom.

(y)N: Well, that is another option, but I figured it would be best to let the girls room together.

Brit: It'sokay,notroubleatall!

Ace: There's a jacuzzi near the back...

(y)N: And a GYM.

Ace: ...an indoor pool...

(y)N: In the room next to the GYM.

Ace: And a hot tub!

(y)N: There is also a GYM for training.

Ace [to (young)]: There's a pool table too, isn't there?

(y)N: You're not listening, are you?

Ace: Where's the pool table, man?!

(y)N: Perhaps Ace has gone deaf.

Ace: I need billiards, man!!!

(y)N: It's on the second floor, in the room ABOVE THE GYM!

Ace: Bye now.

RM552 walks into the mansion, carrying the remainder of the JLR's luggage on one shoulder.

RM552: This place is huge!

(y)N: Yes, Brit already said that.

RM552: Well... it is.

(y)N: Would you care to see the GYM?

RM552: No thanks, I think I've worked out enough for one day.

The luggage rocks the main room as it hits the floor.

(y)N: There is also a private video booth. I thought it would be a good idea for us all to have somewhere we could record our personal thoughts. Somewhere to get away from everyone else.

Brit: Well now, that's... a little weird.

AGW: Guys, this mansion is--

Brit, (y)N, and RM552: We know.

AGW: Alrighty then. Is there a--

(y)N: In the room next to the gym.

AGW: How about a--

DLD: Second floor, right above the gym. Ace's already racking 'em up for ya.

(y)N: Perhaps now would be a good time to show everyone the training facilities.

AGW: Great, idea. Anybody needs me, I'll be beating that crap outta some easy prey. I hope he brought cash cuz papa needs a new pair of bunny slippers.

JLR: What?

AGW: Uhhh... I mean Timberlands.

CJ: And I'm going to my room.

(y)N: ...Or we could hit the weights.

DBP: I believe I shall also be retiring.

(y)N: You know, the environment outside the mansion simulates the most extreme battle conditions. We could all use--

RM552 [yawning loud enough for (young) to hear]: Sleep sounds great! G'night everybody.

(y)N: I must be mute. That's the only reasonable explanation.

V-L: A mansion, a jacuzzi, video room, and a group of young, crazy, single people. This is gonna be just like that show on MTV where all those young people live together in a huge place, and get on each others nerves, and everyone ends up drunk and naked, and sleeping in the pool...