DLD Day (am):

is sweeping the steps
at the front of the Mansion
in the Room of Spirit and Time
that Mr. Popo built.

DLD: [sad]

Brit: Hey, dun! Why the upside-down smile, our Champion of Clean?

DLD: I was just thinking.

Brit: Yes, that will do it every time.

DLD: No. I mean, I was thinking about all of us being here in the Room of Spirit and Time.

Brit: Well I didn't think it was such a good idea, but you have to hand it to (young)Nightwing, it's not turning out as badly as we thought it would?

DLD: But that's my point. Everyone else has managed to gain some new power or ability. But I'm still plain ol' dun_like_dinner!

Brit: What!?!

DLD: Well you and Di have started to develop a telepathic link...

Brit: Well its not all good you kn...[Britannica winces in pain]...sorry Dear! [who, me?]

DLD: RM552 has made some really cool gadgets for Ace, CJ, and even Chant. Isn’t Chant supposed to be a villain?

Brit: True, but...

DLD: We can't stop Vegi-La playing with his vegi-balls...

Brit: Yes, well, the less said about that, the better I think. [um....  uh huh! ...  ]

DLD: ...and AGW is up to how many powers now?

Brit: 365. But have you noticed he's starting to act a little funny?

DLD: You mean the purple tux wasn’t funny enough? Point is, the entire time we've been here I haven't developed one new power or come up with one new move.

Brit: [slapping our young hero on the back] But DLD, think about what you've achieved with us in the JLR? You came to us all those months ago, back in the DCMB, as Super Janitor Man.

DLD: Ha! Lucky that name never took off.

Brit: Indeed! But before you could establish yourself, we got ripped out of our original reality and found ourselves here in the RKMB.

DLD: Yeah, that was pretty traumatic wasn’t it?

Brit: Yes it was. But who saved our bacon financially by having the foresight to bring the JLR petty-cash with him?

DLD: Me.

Brit: See. And who was able to provide transportation for all of the JLR with his own personal jet, so we could all come here to the convention?

DLD: I did, I guess.

Brit: That’s right! And who single-handedly took on the Silver Surfer - Mr. Power Cosmic himself - and won?

DBP: [Via telepathic link] But Honey, she was not the real Silver Surfer!
DLD: Hey! Yeah! So you’re saying I don’t need to enhance my abilities?

Brit: He.

DLD: Huh?
DBP: Sorry.

Brit [Noticing DLD]: Umm, See! [then to DBP] Nevermind.

DBP: Tell Her!
DLD: Nevermind, what?

Brit: Him! And I’ll tell her later! Do you mind this is a private conversation!

DLD: [eh?]

Brit: [with his left eye developing a twitch, Britannica turns his attention back to DLD] Umm... nevermind... The fact that you do a fantastic job keeping all our base of operations sparkling clean.

DLD: I think you’ve boosted my ego enough, thanks Brit. I’ve got to go sweep over there now. Bye.
DBP: And it’s him! Goodbye!

Brit: Oh, Good. I mean, Good! Now if you’ll excuse me, I just have to lay down now.

Britannica stumbles off into the mansion. One hand is massaging his frontal lobe, the other one supporting him against the wall.

DLD: sigh

Just then dun_like_dinner spots Vegi-La walking towards Cowgirl Jack

Vegi-La: Hey CJ! Wanna see me vegi-balls? [biiiig grin]

CJ: [whaaaa!]

Fwoooshh [the sound of steel-capped, rocket-boosted boots moving through the air, very quickly]
Squibam [the sound of steel-capped, rocket-boosted connecting with the groinal region of a vegibestal humanoid]

CJ: [walking off] I’ll give you vegi-balls! [...rassamnfrackin...]

Vegi-La: [in a voice that sounds EXACTLY like Mickey Mouse] Some over time then maybe, CJ?

DLD: sigh (again).

Our hero uses his Stain Spoting Vision to span a mile of light and fire and focuses on a faint glow – the meditating (young) Nightwing. With a determined look and tighter grip on his broom, DLD starts toward his fellow hero.


Inside the mansion, Chant makes his way to AGW's bedroom door and knocks. After a few moments of nothing, Chant knocks again. After a few more moments Chant begins to worry. It's the last day of the teams visit to this pocket dimension and AGW has yet to show any signs of packing. Frankly, Chant will be happy to leave this place and see his mail again, and he doesn't want anything to hold them up at the last minute.

Chant knocks again. After a few more moments he tries the knob and finds the door unlocked. Against his best judgement he opens the door just slightly, remembering not to barge into someone's bedroom like he did on Day 30....

Chant: 'Ello?

Bedroom: ....

Chant: Anybody in here?

AGW [mumbling]: They'll all know, won't they.

Chant: Any Given, who're you talking to--

Chant walks in to the room to find AGW scribbling rapidly all over the wall in pencil. Apparently, he has only to finish filling the last wall with the same sentence...

Chant: "All work and no lay makes---"

AGW: DON'T COME IN HERE!! [Wild-eyed] I'm not ready for you, just yet.

Chant: And everyone thinks I'm weird. Anyways, if you don't mind, could you pack up your stuff. The door is gonna appear in a few hours.

AGW: Oh, I'll be ready for the door. Will you be ready for me?

Chant [closing the bedroom door behind him as he leaves]: Sure, AGW. Suuuuuure.

To be continued...