’Night vs. ‘Day

Unable to help, the JLR can only watch as Midnight Spectre clenches his fists.

Then, faster than their eyes can see, Midnight pulls back and swings forward, aiming his first punch for Wednesday’s right temple. The proper hit at the right angle, and he’ll be knocked unconscious with minimal trauma. In that split second between release and impact, Midnight can feel the heat of The Room begin to bake his knuckle. But then, to his surprise he watches as Wednesday turns to see the punch, looks back at him with that same evil grin, and dodge his fist before it even comes close.

Midnight will not let up, though, and follows with a flurry of punches aimed at several known pressure points. Wordless, smiling, Dark Wednesday dodges every intended strike with apparent ease.

Finally, Midnight lets up and takes several steps back, putting a good, safe distance between them. He treads from foot to foot, shuffling from side to side. By the time Wednesday looks him in the eyes with that same condescending grin, he has already put up his guard, though his muscles are loose and his body flows.

Dark Wednesday: Missed me [mwah hwah haa] !

Midnight Spectre: It won't happen again.

Dark Wednesday: Oh, come on, man! I developed super speed two and a half months ago. and you obviously aren't the man you used to be. Still don't take me seriously, huh? Still think I'm just a little man playing with the big boys? Fine then, let's play a game.

Midnight Spectre: ....

Dark Wednesday: Pick a number between one and... five hundred fifty-two.

Midnight Spectre [to himself]: Registered...

Dark Wednesday: Registered Member it is!

Ace: RM!

His muscles quivering Registered Member #552 looks at his friends one last time, then uses all his strength to turn to CJ.

RM552: You're faster than him. Your b—


And Registered Member #552 is gone.

Brit [whispering]: No.

Midnight Spectre: NO!

Again, he draws back his fist, and sprints forward, his feet hovering steady inches above the several yards of ground between them. Instantly, he’s upon his opponent and Dark Wednesday makes himself ready to block a high speed punch to the stomach. This time, though, Midnight rotates his lower body, launching into a spin kick aimed at Dark Wednesday’s head. Finally, he catches the enemy by surprise.

But Dark Wednesday is still too fast. He shuffles his entire body out of the way…

Dark Wednesday: Nice!

…and grabs, Midnight's extended legs. Dark Wednesday, spins him around and around, then hammer tosses him into the air. Midnight's body rockets dozens of yards before he lands on the hard Room floor with a thud.

Before Midnight can even feel the pain, Wednesday comes down hard, burrowing his fist into the hero's stomach. Midnight can feel his stomach turn to mush, as Wednesday's strike seems to drill through.

Dark Wednesday: Oh, and I've got super strength, too.

Brit: Midnight... I... idea.

Midnight slowly starts up, but can only bring himself to his knees before he feels his sides burn.

Midnight: Brit?

Dark Wednesday: Pay attention to me! I’m the one here—right here, right now, beating the crap outta ya!

Brit: Midnight... taking everything … DBP and I to... keep....

Dark Wednesday's fist pummels Midnight's nose, sending him hurdling back.

Dark Wednesday: I said pay attention!

Midnight glares at Wednesday with stone-cold eyes, but concentrates on Britannica and Di Bat Pho, adding what he can to their power.

Midnight: He's strong, even stronger than we thought. I don’t know if I can beat him without killing him… and perhaps even myself.

Brit: Midnight, you have to listen. Di Bat Pho and I have a plan. If she can use her power to augment my own, it may be possible for us to push him off balance telepathically long enough for you to do whatever needs to be done.

Midnight: It's worth a try.

Dark Wednesday: Long-winded, ain’t he? Don’t worry, I’m not listening in. I know more than he or Misinformation could ever dream! He’s no longer an issue.

DBP: Britannica, I am able to move again!

CJ: La, I can move again!

Ace: Same here.

Vegi-La: “Dark” Wednesday must have forgotten about us.

CJ: All of his attention's on Midnight.

Brit: True, but it’s taking everything Midnight has to keep up the fight.

DBP: Britannica and I are working on a plan.

Brit: Yes, but we need Dark Wednesday closer so I can obtain eye contact, and Midnight doesn’t know how long he can last without doing something drastic.

Vegi-La: Information-overload attack?

Brit nods.

Ace: They’re too far away, though. We get anywhere close and Wednesday will snap US out of existence just like Chant and Registered.

CJ: Registered Member! That’s what he was trying to tell me.

Vegi-La: What?

CJ: I’m wearing the high-speed boots he gave me. If I give it everything I’ve got.

DBP: You wish to go in there first? Alone?

Vegi-La: You sure you know what you’re doin’?

CJ: I can get there faster than anyone here, trust me.

Ace: Trust. Heh. I still don’t like the odds.

Vegi-La: CJ, be careful, hun. Ace and I will cover ya.

CJ: Don’t worry guys. I didn’t clock in all those hours on the treadmill for nothing.

On the outside, CJ gives a smile and a wink to ensure her team that their plan will work. On the inside, though, the uncertainty races through her mind as she knocks the dust off her boots with a sway of the hand. Even if he is gone, she’ll make sure Registered Member leaves a lasting mark.


Dark Wednesday: Ready for round two, or do you wanna take a break? Get yourself together, take a shower, fix your broken rib. You can come back tomorrow refreshed.

Without a word, Midnight shifts his concentration, from his head, to his lungs, to his heart, to his center, then finally to his feet.

Everything around them becomes dark as Midnight’s body is opened to the chi of the Room. He lets out a scream of fury and pain as the power of the raging inferno enters him. His hair and eyes glow with the new power.

And in the all-consuming darkness, Dark Wednesday smiles. It seems things have just become interesting.

Dark Wednesday: Nice!

To be continued...