New and Improved

CJ is thrown several feet by the blast and she lands hard on her back. She opens her eyes, hoping to see a friend, but...

DW: Told you not to do that.

Suddenly, her body feels heavy. Too heavy. She realizes that as hard as she tries, she can't move.

DW: CJ, have you gained weight? Tsk, tsk, and tsk.

CJ [straining to speak]: La.

Another Dark Wednesday appears in her blurry view and smirks down at her.

DW: Gone, I'm afraid. Ace too, so don't bother doing the whole straining to speak thing again.

CJ: No.

Third DW [sitting down next to her]: Y'know, I haven't known your little team here very well, I think, but all this denial every time you lose somebody is getting annoying.

CJ: You're one of us. Don't you remember?

Fourth DW: Now that you mention it, my memories of you guys are really blotchy. I remember every book ever published word for word, though, so I guess you're just not that important.

He smiles and another Dark Wednesday adds…

Fifth DW: Maybe when I'm done with your little boyfriend over there, I'll let you remind me.

Midnight: Stay away from her. Your fight is with me.

All the Dark Wednesday's but one turn to each other and laugh, while the last glares without a word at the hero. Midnight calms himself and the fire around him steadies. His power is under control, for now.

And every Dark Wednesday fades away until only that last one remains, still glaring. He’s forgotten the girl and cracks his knuckles in glee.

DW: Cool!

To be continued...