I have some unfortunate news to share with you. Due to the Hypertime fluctuations cause by the transition from the DCMBverse to this wonderous new land, Registered Member# 16603 was catapulted through the deep recesses of Hypertime.
I'm a Hypertime variant of his that was flung into this strange land during the transition. Our histories are almost identical (experiment "volunteer", king-in-exile of Doesntreallyexistia with a shady past, etc. ) except for two very important differances:
1) Due to the differences in the space/time continuum between our Hypertimelines, I wasn't the 16,603rd "volunteer" but the 552nd.
2) More importantly though, is that whereas 16603 had brown eyes, I have green eyes.
Also, if you should see a poster claiming to be "Registered Member# 16603" on the DCMBs, DON'T BE FOOLED! He, in reality, is an evil quanto-molecular doppelganger from the Mirror Universe located in the Forbidden Zone of Dimension X.
Although he is a clever rogue, he and I are easily distinguished from one another: He has a goatee, while I am clean-shaven.
Always remember kiddies, never trust men with facial hair. They're eeeevilll, I say! EEEVILLL!
This advice applies doubly-so for women with facial hair...