Just as the three heros make their escape (Off topic: DAAMMMNNN YOU CHAAANNTTT!!!!), Britannica's evil doppleganger from this reality, Mr. Misinformation, and his Army of Amazonian Librarians enter the zoo, to complete the next phase of their first attempt to conquer the world.
MI: Ah, all is going according to plan. Phase 2, of our first attempt to take over the world is underway, my Army of Amazonian Librarians
AoAL: Yes Miss Information!
MI: That's Mister Misinformation, if you please!
AoAL: Sorry, Mister Misinformation :)
MI: That's better. Now all we have to do is grab. . .
Zoo Kepper [pointing at Mr. Misinformation]: Oi! That's the bloke who whacked me poor old talking Poler Bear, with his flying-stick-thingy. . . Get 'im!
MI: Flying-stick-thingy!?! What flying-stick-thingy???
Amazonian Librarian: Uh, Chief, I think we better run for it, here come the cops!
[Police, guards and one angry talking Polar Bear, start running towards Mr. Misinformation and the Army of Amazonian Librarians]
MI: Curses!!! Someone is going to pay for all of this!
[Mr. Misinformation and the Army of Amazonian Librarians scarper from the zoo]