Back at the Barn of Justice. . .

Brit: I have a theory about these portels popping up around the Barn. The smaller the room the larger the spacial teleporation. If someone is in the boathroom taking a shower, they end up in the meeting-lounge room, if someone is in the Danger Room, they end up at the local mall. . .

Ace: So what's your point?

La Machine: Yeah! How do we get to Greece?

Britannica: To the Broom Cupboard, everyone!

[Everyone starts running towards the broom cupboard]

Brit: Woah! Not you Buttercup and Napolean!

Buttercup: Neigh [you sunnuva...]
Napolean: Eeyoh! [sad]

Britannica: Now, come on you two. Both Cowboy Jack and Superfly Sr. are both missing, someone has to stay behind to tell them where we've gone. . .

Buttercup: neigh
Napolean: eeyoh

RM552: Besides, with our track record, some villian is bound to attack the base while we're gone, you guys'll probably see more action than we will :)

[The JLA enter the broom cupboard and are instantly transported to Athens, Greece]

DLD: Wow! It worked [biiiig grin]
Brit: Oh course it work . . . [whaaaa!] [Notices all of the Chants, Mr. Misinformation, Chatyana, Bundy Bear & Toxic Bob] Good Grief!

Meanwhile back at the Barn of Justice, Tractor Trailer Bob makes a phone call. . .]

TTB: Yes, they have just left. All is going according to plan. . .

To be continued. . .

[ 12-27-2002, 12:40 AM: Message edited by: Britannica ]