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It was bound to happen eventually. ![[biiiig grin]](images/icons/grin.gif)
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(Cowgirl Jack and She-Chant continue to fight and rip at each other...)[/QB][/QUOTE]
Um......I mean........GO JACKIE!!!!!!!!!
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Britannica also looks on at the ensuing battle, between Cowgirl Jack and She-Chant. . . I'm not sure I've ever seen that before in a superhero fight, but I think I could get used to it Go Cowgirl Jack!!! Though I wish Buttercup and Napolean would hurry up and get this glue off us, better still Superfly Sr., dun_like_dinner or La Machine, might like to lend a hand Ace [also looking on at the fight between Cowgirl Jack and She-Chant]: ![[whaaaa!]](eek01.gif) I think they're busy Brit . . . Male members of the JLR: [ 12-24-2002, 12:02 AM: Message edited by: Britannica ]
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As Jackie and She-Chant continue fighting... Ace: Damn, where's a camera when you need one? RM #552: Never fear fellas, did I happen to mention that thanks to the supersoldier experiment I have enhanced senses? Ace: And...? Your point is? RM #552: Well, along with enhanced reflexes, strength, and speed I also have a photographic memory Ace: Well, good for you, now how does that help us? RM #552: Well, anybody here have telepathic abilities? [ 12-24-2002, 12:12 AM: Message edited by: Registered Member #552 ]
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I'm willing to bet Superfly Sr., next Wednesday morning! ![[nyah hah]](images/icons/tongue.gif) :lol: My telepathic abilities only work when I'm using my information overload ability. . . damn [ 12-24-2002, 12:01 AM: Message edited by: Britannica ]
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Just then, Mr. Misinformation enters Chants lair, with his Army of Amazonian Librarians, the mob from the zoo and an angry talking Polar Bear. . . MM [looking up at Chant1, chained to the wall]: Damn you Chant! I heard you ruined my first attempt at world domination. . . hey what's going on? Why are you chained to the . . . [finally notices battle between Cowgirl Jack and She-Chant] ![[whaaaa!]](eek01.gif) Whoa! Those two would make great assets for the Army of Amazonian Librarians! :) Go get 'em girls! [The Army of Amazonian Librarians wade into the middle of the super cat-fight, eventually prising the two combatants appart. Unfortunately, the battle has taken its toll on Cowgirl Jack's & She-Chant's costumes, not leaving much to the imaginations of every male in the lair. . . The Army of Amazonian Librarians carry off the exhusted Cowgirl Jack and She-Chant, only stopping to remind their leader to also make his escape. Amazonian Librarian: Mr. Misinformation, quick we have to make our escape. . . MM: AL: MR. MISINFORMATION *twack* [the sound of the Amazonian Librarian whacking Mr. Misinformation accross the back of the head] MM: Owww ![[you sunnuva...]](images/icons/mad.gif) wha? ![[eh?]](images/icons/confused.gif) Oh yes! Thank you my dear. Bye everyone! . . . . Bwaahahahahahahahahahahahaha :lol: [ 12-24-2002, 12:59 AM: Message edited by: Mr. Misinformation ]
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Meanwhile, ten feet away from the catfight and the glued superheroes.... La Machine- Ma, I told you not to call me on this cell anymore! Because I'm working, I....No I'm wor- I'm WOR-KING ![[AAAHHHH!!!]](graemlins/aahhh.gif) ! Doesn't that mean anything to you? .....No I don't need any money. I'm not asking for money- Ma, I'm not asking for any money, Mom!.... Don't put Dad on the phone....No I said DON'T put Dad on the phone! Don't!! ....Ma? ....Hello?... Ma- Yessir ![[whaaaa!]](eek01.gif) ! I'm doing fine Dad. Sir! I said SIR!.....Please....yes but.....but........oh god.....here we go......yeah well that was TEN F#$KING YEARS AGO, DAD!!! What do you want from me?!! What the hell do you want, you want my blood, old man?! is that it?!! Is that- WHAM (La Machine goes down. Everyone looks to see Chant standing over him.) Chant- Nobody moves or the Momma's boy gets it ![[mwah hwah haa]](graemlins/devil.gif) .
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I see I've managed to be kidnapped again. ![[DOH!]](graemlins/homerface01.gif) Doh! Okay...I am in supreme pain right now. Darn you She-Chant! *** She-Chant, carried by another Amazon, wakes up for a moment. "Huh? Where are we?" "We've been kidnapped by that Mr. Misinformation and his posse of Amazons." She-Chant just nods. "Oh." "That's it? Just 'Oh.'" "You don't understand. Mr. Misinformation and I are both evil rivals. So we take turns kidnapping and spoiling each other's plans. Next week, it will be my turn to kidnap Mr. Misinformation, and my plan will suceed instead of his. It creates a nice cycle of villianous attempt to demoslish the planet." "That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard." "Yeah, well, I think you're stupid." WHAM! Being tied to the back of a jogging Amazon doesn't stop the Cowgirl of Justice from head-butting the Postmistress of Evil. Jack rolls her eyes. "Right. Well, things look pretty bleak. These villians seem to have a better sucess record than Chant. Probably because they don't have any heroes here..."
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Alas, another hot Christmas. Its about eighty outside...I'm frying...God I love Florida. Hope you guys up north are okay. Perhaps I should send some oranges. Okay, I'm not coming back online until the 26th. It might be good to have a day of rest, if you catch my drift. I will see you all after the holidays. Have a wonderful and safe Christmas everyone. Even Chant. ![[biiiig grin]](images/icons/grin.gif) God Bless, y'all! Jackie
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(from the floor, bleeding)
KAFF Merry Christmas Jackie and everybody else KAFF *
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It's 8.30am, Chrissy morning and I've opened all my Chrissy presents from my finance. . . I got spoiled!!! Anyhoo, just wanted you all to know Christmas 2002 - So far, so good!!! Hope you enjoyed the present Santa Britannica sent you guys (and girl) Merry Christmas (when you get there), see you after Boxing Day! Stephen
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As Chant continues gloating over La Machina's body.... RM #552: *whispering* - Hey, Ace...I just got one of my arms loose from this glue...I think I can reach your pack of cards... Ace: Uh uh. Hey, can you still see Jackie & She-Chant from here? RM #552: Um... :: looks through the open door :: yeah I can... Ace: Good, what's going on? RM #522: Well, they both appear to be bound to a rather large, jogging Amazon. Ace: ![[whaaaa!]](eek01.gif) Bound?! As in "with ropes"? RM #552: Well, yes. They also appear to be fighting one another and... Ace: RM #552: Hey! Didn't you even hear what I said about the cards? I said --- THWACK!!!:: Chant stands over Registered Member #552 unconcious body ::Ace: Damn, I hope he doesn't suffer any memory loss from that. We still haven't found anybody with telepathic powers ![[sad]](images/icons/frown.gif) .... [ 12-24-2002, 05:09 PM: Message edited by: Registered Member #552 ]
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Hey guys.
Just wanted to say Merry Christmas to all of my fellow JLR'ers.
Talk to u guys later. :)
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Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night :)
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quote: Our beloved narrator: [qb]Meanwhile, Superfly Sr. deftly dodges the "guys stuck together by glue" scene... Candy: Hi, welcome to Hooters
Superfly: HOOTERS !
Ali: Hello, my name is Ali and I'll be your waitress.
Superfly: <Gasp> More hooters !
A few minutes later
Ali: For the last time, sir, "shaking what my momma gave me" is not part of my job description.
Superfly: C'mon, baby. I got a nice <digs into pockets> uhh... shiny nickle -- Uh oh, Superfly sense tingling!
Variable Power alert
Superfly: Whoa, I seem to now have the power to deliver mail (including Xmas cards) at near light speed, thereby eliminating a certain lingering plot thread. I wonder if I can somehow use this new power to help my fellow teammates in our never-ending struggle to defeat Chant, that mental mailman of mayhem.... Wait, I've got it! I can--
Vanessa, head waitress and Hooters Pin-Up Girl October 2002: Excuse me, is there a problem here, sir?
Superfly: Whoa! BIG HOOTERS !
quote: Our narrator... again: [qb]Will Superfly stop staring at Vanessa's... hooters... long enough to remember his mission? Will Ali decide to "shake what her momma gave her"? How man licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?
To be continued...
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Superfly: Merry Christmas, guys! Jackie: Ahem! Superfly: ![[DOH!]](graemlins/homerface01.gif) I mean, Merry Christmas, TEAM! Jackie: ![[biiiig grin]](images/icons/grin.gif)
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Lo! Behold, The Narrator appears in the room . . .
N: To recap our adventure so far. . .
The Justice League Reality, 6 heroes from another Message Board, have mysteriously appeared in this reality, along with their evil arch-nemesis, the PostMaster of Mayhem, Chant.
The JLR have just established a new HQ in Pennsylvania - the Barn of Justice, when they had learnt that the Mailer of Mayhem and this reality's version of Chant, the PostMistress, She-Chant, have joined forces to disrupt the supply of Christmas cards accross the world!
Having found that the Chants had only recently abandoned their secret lair, Ace, Registered Member #552 & Britannica (along with Buttercup and the horseandcart-mobile), decided to visit the nearby zoo. There Britannica behaving oddly, picked a fight with a talking Polar Bear, the three heroes were forced to swiftly depart. Fortunately, Britannica's counterpart of this reality - the evil Mr. Misinformation and his Army of Amazonian Librarians, plan for World domination had brought them to the zoo. Mr. Misinformation was blamed to attacking the talking Polar Bear, which gave our heroes the opportunity to re-establish the trail to the Chants' new secret lair.
At that time, the other members of the JLR, Superfly Sr., La Machine & dun_like_dinner were also making their way to Chant's lair, with Tractor Trailer Bob!
Ace, Registered Member #552 & Britannica, having made their way into the Chants' lair, found themselves caught in an evelople glue trap. Then Chant betrayed She-Chant, pushing her into the trap with the JLR! She-Chant quickly escaped, leaving the JLR to their own devices, as she hunted down Chant for revenge!
Cowgirl Jack, the seventh, and only female member of the JLR, also made it to this new reality, made her way to the lair and battled She-Chant in a Super Cat-fight. . . much to the delight of the assembled members of the JLR!
Concentraiting on the battle between Cowgirl Jackand She-Chant, no one noticed Mr. Misinformation and his Army of Amazonian Librarians (plus the talking Polar Bear and the mob fro the zoo), enter the lair, and kidnap Cowgirl Jack and She-Chant mid-battle, until it was too late. . .
Ace, Registered Member #552 & Britannica, still stuck to each other from the envelope glue, were on the verge of escape, when Chant appears behind La Machine and clobbers him accross the back of the head. . . then just as RM552 frees his had, Chant knocks him out too!
This leaves Ace and dun_like_dinner in a dire prediciment as Superfly Sr. and Britannica are also mysteriously missing. . .
HANG ON! Wasn't Britannica stuck to Ace & RM552, as well!?!
Will the JLR be able to find Cowgirl Jack again, having lost her so soon after being reunited?
What are the fates of Superfly Sr. and Britannica? What strange places have they disappeared too, and will they be able to escape and be reunited with the JLR?
Can Ace and dun_like_dinner prevale against Chant? Or will Buttercup, Napolean the donkey and Tractor Trailer Bob, save the day?
And will Registered Member #552, be able to remember the Super Cat-fight between Cowgirl Jack and She-Chant, after being clobbered accross the head?
All these importnant quetions, and more, will be answered in the next exciting installment of the Justice League Reality! [ 12-26-2002, 07:54 AM: Message edited by: Britannica ]
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In the dark and mysterious Library Stacks, secret HQ of Mr. Misinformation and his Army of Amazonian Librarians, Mr. Misinformation is entertaining a number of guests. . . . MM: Ahh, my dear Chant, it is so lovely to see you again [kisses She-Chant's hand] Can I offer you a glass of champaign? SC: No thanks, Snookums. . . and since that twerp Chant, from the DCMB has appeared, everyone has started calling me She-Chant, you had better call me that too, or everybody's going to get confussed. . . MM: WHAT!?!?!?! But you were here first, why don't we call that twerp, He-Chant instead? And m'dear, please don't call me Snookums in front of the Amazonian Librarians. . . SC: Sorry, Honey-buns. . . Becasue those pesky JLR outnumber us, and insist on calling me that. . . MM: Indead. In addition to it being our bi-monthly "kidnap" session, I have brought you to my lair to proposition you. . . SC: But you always proposition me? MM: About your views on a collaboration!!! SC: But we always do that too! Twice a month! MM: . . . With other evil-minded people! SC: ![[gulp!]](gulp.gif) That's a bit kinky, but I like the sound of it. Tell me who you had in mind MM: *sigh* ![[yuh huh]](images/icons/rolleyes.gif) No, I mean, once we had this board to ourselves, with no one to stop us. We had it all, you and I. But, we are now obviously out-numbered by the JLR, I propose that we should join forces with other evil-minded people accross the Board, as a force of evil, equal and opposite to the Justice League Reality's good. I propose that we form the Injustice Reality Gang! SC: So, who do you have mind? MM: Allow me to introduce, Jack 'Bundy' Bear , the talking Polar Bear from the zoo! BB: G'day luv, how's it going? SC: ![[eh?]](images/icons/confused.gif) Fine thank you. Please to meet you. . . MM: Mr. Bear is another Australian, from Queensland. It was Bundy who I was going to visit at the zoo, to use in my next evil world-domineering plot, when your male counterpart lead the JLR directly to the zoo, attacking Mr. Bear and thwarting my chances of getting anywhere near Bundy, to proposition him. SC: You propositioned a Bear! ![[eh... i dunno... ]](graemlins/ehidunno.gif) That's it, no more collaborations with me, you. . . MM: To join my evil cause, Chant, eh, She-Chant - sorry, I'm not going to get used to that. . . SC: Oh. That's O.K. then. . . MM: Mr. Bear has contacts with the advertising industry, Coca-Cola and Bunderberg Rum. In addition, with your postal delivery abilities and my information resources, we will be invincible! BB: Beauty! SC: Sounds good, so far Snookums, but we're still outnumbered. . . BB: Snookums? MM: She-Chant, not in front of the other members either. . . *cough* *cough* My Amazonian Librarians have detected a residual-reality-warp-energy-signature, similar to that which was registered when Chant appeared in our reality. I propose. . . SC: YOU PROPOSE!!! [Flings herself at Mr. Misinformation] I've waited so long for you to say those words to me! MM: No! NO! I'm suggesting that we travel to Athens, Greece where the signature registered, to recruit whomever appeared there, from the DCMB! SC: ![[sad]](images/icons/frown.gif) What if it's another of those JLRer's? MM: The energy-signature for Chant, was different than that of the JLR members who have arrived in our reality. I hypothesize, that whomever appeared in Greece is also of evil intent. SC: Knowing our luck, it's probably the DCMB version of Bundy Bear. . . BB: Nothin' wrong with that luv! MM: Only one way to find out, let's go to Athens! BB: snookums :lol: Cowgirl Jack [chained up to the wall the whole time]: I think I'm going to be sick . . .
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Back at Chant's lair. . . Chant is about to thwack Ace & dun_like_dinner with his postal-tube trunchion, when Britannica appears behind the evil PostMaster. . . Brit: Sorry about the delay in getting back Team . . . Ace: You were missing? Hey! How'd you get unstuck!?! DLD: And how'd you get over there? Brit: I'll explain later. . . Hello Chant! Chant: Hello Britannica, you're not going to whack me with your Brittle-dodad-thingy are you? Not going to use you're information overload attack? Brit: No, no. The reason it took me so long (from my perspective anyway) to get back here, is because I was reading the various posts from this Message Board, when I discovered your weakness, Chant. . . [Britannica shows Chant the bucket he was hiding behind his back] Chant: Wha. . . what is that? After that I just had to stop off at the city of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine, for this. . . [Britannica lifts up the bucket] Chant: Now Britannica, ol' buddy ol' pal, you wouldn't would you? Brit: You mean this? [Britannica tips the bucket of icy-cold water over Chant's head]. . . ICE-BATH!!!! Chant: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! [As the Postmaster lays shivering on the floor, Buttercup and Napolean help pick-up and carry the unconcious La Machine and RM552, as the remaining members discuss tactics] DLD: Wow! That was awsome, how'd you do that Brit? Brit: Not now, dun_like_dinner, we still have to get those cards delivered. . . Holy-night! Where did all the Christmas Cards go!?! Ace: And where's Superfly Sr.??? DLD: This is bad! We've lost the Christmas cards, Superfly Sr., Cowgirl Jack and both La Machine & RM552 are snoozing. What are we going to do???? JLR: [ 12-26-2002, 08:27 AM: Message edited by: Britannica ]
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Back in Chant´s not-so-secret-lair-anymore The evil papergolem in the shape of Chant stands awaiting the JLR´s decision about their surrender or not, in the meantime the real Chant escapes in his postmobile......
Chant: It is all going as planned, I have She-Chant (whose real name is Chantyana) tagged and I am now following her trace to....to....to GREECE???....Who´s in Greece, Oh my god it´s another Chant from a third Board......Whooaaaa.....I´m Getting DIZZY
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So, Chant proceeds to Greece, following Mr. Misinformation and Chantyana (She-Chant) from a discreet distance (he sits in the seat behind them in the airplane with a newspaper held up in front of him with two holes made for the eyes)
When they land in Greece the pair of villains (Chantyana and Mr. Misinformation leaves to the Acropolis where they seek to encounter the mysterious energy signature.
Mr. Misinformation: So, my trace leads to this point exactly which means that Chant, or someone like Chant is bound to be around here, somewhere!!
Chantyana: Yeah, I should know, I have the same signature so I should know, Should´nt I???
Suddenly in the middle of the Acropolis another Chant appears, and another, and another, and another.......
Chant inhiding: Waitaminnit....So many Chants....Darn, must have left the cloning machine on back at the DCMB.....I´m gonna get a gigantic electricalbill.....darnit darnit darnit......
MM: Army of Amazonian Librarians.....ATTAAAAACCCCKKKKKK!!!!!!
Chantyana: Yeah, wipe them out, all of them....do some nasty things to them, like, send them to their rooms......
MM: whooaaaaa, let´s be civil here, let´s not get entirely inhumane......
SC: What´s inhumane about that?????
In the meantime the real Chant, not one of the clones.......
Chant: this is like "Attack of the Clones"
A third Chant shows up next to the real Chant:
ThirdChant: Hiya, what´re ya doing in my world????
Chant: wait, you´re not a clone????...Well, ofcourse you´re not, you are this worlds real Chant, I shall call you CHANT2, and I shall be Chant!!!
Chant2: Heeeehhhh, I was here first, you can be Chant2, and then I can be Chant.....
Chant: NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO, you can´t, since you are a madeup character and I am a real Character, besides the JLR will call me CHANT and you CHANT2 anyway, therefore you should know your place, slave....or whatever......Let´s get back to the secret lair, or maybe we should find a new one.......
Meanwhile back at the old lair, Superfly Sr. ponders his newfound powers with a pair of HOOTERS....Dun-Like-Dinner graps a broom.......Cowgirl Jackie escapes from the evil amazonian Librarians......Tractor Trailer Bob ponders the issue of why superheroes are nuts.....and the Mr. Misinformation inside Britannica´s head is reemerging (remember that Britannica was brainwashed by Chant back at the DCMB) and last but not least....Toxic Bob makes his reappearence......
What will happen next you wonder, well, so do I!!
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Suddenly, after the Nets' thorough beating of the Boston Celtics on Christmas Day (for you Euro guys, they won by like thirty points), La Machine awakes from his slumber, more energized than ever and possessing the aerodynamic "hops" of leading scorer Richard Jefferson. La Machine- ![[woooOOOOoooo!]](graemlins/smilewoo.gif) It's okay gang, I possess the aerodynamic hops of leading scorer Richard Jefferson. Brittannica- Yeah we know we just read that part. La Machine-....Okay. Must stop Chant! (La Machine jumps twenty feet onto the back of Chant's car) Ace (through 1989 RadioShack walkie-talkies La Machine purchased)-Machine, are you crazy? We don't even have a plan yet. La Machine-It's okay. I just peeked at a ticket to Greece in Chant's glove compartment. I'm gonna tack onto his car and hitch a ride there, where I'll follow him to whatever evil plot he's trying to carry out. You guys meet me there. Brittannica-La Machine- La Machine-Don't argue with me on this Brittanica. I know what I'm doing. Brittanica- Machine- La Machine- Will you shut up?? ![[AAAHHHH!!!]](graemlins/aahhh.gif) You guys're always trying to order me around. "Don't leave the television on, La Machine." "Don't take too much time in the League bathroom, La Machine." "Don't blow 20,000$ of the league's money on hookers and booze in Vegas, La Machine." Well I've had it- Brittannica- La Machine! Are you not on top of a car? La machine- Yes. Brittannica- Do you think you're going to Greece in car? La Machine- Ye- ![[gulp!]](gulp.gif) (Pause) No. Brittannica- Do you have any money on you for a plane ticket? La Machine-....no. Brittanica- So how do you expect to get to Greece? La Machine-(Pauses. Jumps off the Chantmobile, letting him get away) Okay, then. How do we get to Greece?
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Ace is up stairs taking a shower.The rest of the JLR are all standing around the Barn of Justice trying to think up a plan for getting to Greece with no money. Suddenly Ace falls from the ceiling and lands in front of the rest of the JLR in his birthday suit. Ace- Auggh!!! How did I get out here? *He grabs a table cloth and wraps it around him* Dun Like Dinner- I think you fell through one of those portals that keep popping up everywhere. Ace- God those things are really starting to get annoying La Machine- Tell me about it. The other day I was taking a whiz and fell through one of those portals. I landed right in the middle of the mall. Do you know how busy the mall is on Christmas Eve? Plus I had to try and explain to that security guard why I was going on a trash can. Ace- Where do you think they're all coming from? Britannica- I don't know but maybe we can use them to our advantage. Since we can't think of a way to get to Greece maybe we could just jump through a portal and land there. La Machine- Sounds good to me Brit. *The rest of the team decides to go along with it to.* Unbeknownst to the JLR or anyone else, a dark shadowy man stands in his secret lair watching the team through his crystal ball. This man is planning the downfall of the JLR and is also responsible for all of the portals disrupting everybody. It's The Amazing Harry! (See Below) quote: Originally posted by Ace: It was a dark and stormy night. I was working my usual shift at the casino as a blackjack. My table was set up next to The Amazing Harry's magic act. He wasn't much of a magician, a hack really, but entertaining nonetheless. Anyways since it was a slow night I decided to sit down have a drink and watch the show. I watched as he called someone up to the stage to hypnotize them. But it didn't work. Instead I was hypnotized into enhancing my greatest talent. Flicking cards. So now I had a great talent but nothing to use it on. About a week passed and suddenly the casino was getting robbed. I reacted fast and flung my cards as fast as I could at the robbers. It knocked them out cold. I had developed deadly pinpoint accuracy and speed for flicking my cards. I decided todevelop my powers and use them to fight crime alongside the JLR.
[ 12-26-2002, 01:04 PM: Message edited by: Ace ]
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The Narrator: Meanwhile back in Greece. Mr. Misinformation, Chantyana & Bundy Bear are squaring up against Chant and Chant 2 and Chant 3 and Chant 4 and Cha. . . ah stuff it. . . Chants 2 through to 42, in Athens, Greece Chantyana (SC): Let me at 'im! Let me at 'im! MM: *sniff* *sniff* Hey do you smell something? Bundy Bear: ![[gulp!]](gulp.gif) oops, sorry SC: Omievilness. . . that's revolting Chant: You will bow to me! Chant2: No, You will bow to me! Chant3: Me! Chant4: No, me! Chant5: I'm the head cheese around here! Chant6: I. . . *sniff* *sniff* Hey do all of me smell something? Chant2: Now that you mention it. . . Chant7: That's revolting Chant8: What on the Board is it? Chant: *sniff* *sniff* I've smelt that somewhere before. . . Toxic Bob: Chaaaaaaannntttt!!!! Finally I get my revenge on you! Chant, Chants2-42: MM: SC: BB: MM: I think we have just found the bloke we're looking for? ![[mwah hwah haa]](graemlins/devil.gif)
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***off topic***
Sounds like everyone had wonderful (and in Chant's place, diabolical) Christmas. I got everything I wanted. The cutest jacket, an X-box, money, gift certificates, etc, etc, etc. Everything except for new roommates. Well, nobody could give me that wrapped up anyways.
***back to topic***
So what, I escaped the Amazons? Well, at least Chant left the details up to me...
So there's Cowgirl Jack, tied up with about five Amazonian Librarians surrounding her with knives. One of the Amazons grin. "Its says here you never turned in a couple of Charolette's Web!"
"Yeah, in second grade!"
"Let's skew her, girls!"
Just then, Cowgirl Jack vanished. Instead, a screaming mass of feathers and claws disposed of any Amazon that was too stupid to move.
***an explanation is needed***
remember, just before the thread was deleted, I said for a few days out of the month I turned into a vicious flesh-eating harpy? Yeah, well, Harpy wants to come out and play right now...
JLR BIO ON HARPY FULL NAME: Harpy AGE: Like I'm telling you WIEGHT: Ditto DESCRIPTION: Green eyes with brown feathers and olive face. Wings instead of arms and talons instead of feet.
Harpy is a, well, she's a harpy. Although Harpy is not a true villian, she tends to create havoc for any poor soul that annoys her. Her scream can break glass, and she has a fond taste for human flesh. JLR protocols recommends finding Harpy and tempting her to the side of goodness with some baby back ribs. Otherwise, any villian with an IQ of a goat could do tempt her to do evil with some chops.
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A giant half-bird, half-girl form flees the Amazons and flies off into the wild blue yonder. "Caw! Caw! Harpy wants meat! Harpy getting hunrgy!" Cowgirl Jack is nowhere to be seen. Until she returns, Harpy is in full control. Using Jack's memories and knowledge of the Amazonian Librarians, Harpy comes up with a primitive a brutal plan. "Caw! Caw! Amazons lock Harpy up? Ha! No! Harpy escape! So when Harpy's done hunting down the Amazons, Harpy will look for Amazon's friends. She-Chant and Mr. Misinformation. Caw! Caw! Caw!" ![[mwah hwah haa]](graemlins/devil.gif)
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Back at the Barn of Justice. . . Brit: I have a theory about these portels popping up around the Barn. The smaller the room the larger the spacial teleporation. If someone is in the boathroom taking a shower, they end up in the meeting-lounge room, if someone is in the Danger Room, they end up at the local mall. . . Ace: So what's your point? La Machine: Yeah! How do we get to Greece? Britannica: To the Broom Cupboard, everyone! [Everyone starts running towards the broom cupboard] Brit: Woah! Not you Buttercup and Napolean! Buttercup: Neigh Napolean: Eeyoh! Britannica: Now, come on you two. Both Cowboy Jack and Superfly Sr. are both missing, someone has to stay behind to tell them where we've gone. . . Buttercup: neigh Napolean: eeyoh RM552: Besides, with our track record, some villian is bound to attack the base while we're gone, you guys'll probably see more action than we will :) [The JLA enter the broom cupboard and are instantly transported to Athens, Greece] DLD: Wow! It worked Brit: Oh course it work . . . ![[whaaaa!]](eek01.gif) [Notices all of the Chants, Mr. Misinformation, Chatyana, Bundy Bear & Toxic Bob] Good Grief! Meanwhile back at the Barn of Justice, Tractor Trailer Bob makes a phone call. . .] TTB: Yes, they have just left. All is going according to plan. . . To be continued. . . [ 12-27-2002, 12:40 AM: Message edited by: Britannica ]
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You got a dangerroom in the barn....COOL!!!
Anyhoo, As the JLR´rs appear in Greece, Chant tries to call down the power of Zeus upon them. Unfortunately for Chant Zeus is a good aligned god and he starts throwing thunderbolts at Chant, who shouts his warcry: "CRAP, THWARTED AGAIN"
The battle continues, and soon the acropolis starts crumbling, lets not get into details on how it began crumbling.......
Anyhoo, As the battle continues a lot of sirens can be heard in the distant horizon....
Mr. Misinformation: It´s the police.....Run for it
He runs past Britannica and stops to look at him......
MM: My goody-tushu alterego.......I´ll get back to you.
Brit: Don´t worry my JLR colleagues, the police are on our side, they will believe our story....
DLD: What, that we just popped out of dimensionel rift in space/time from a barn back in Chantania......waitaminnit, the land is called Chantania.............
Brit: No no, the land is called "Rob´s Damn Board".....who is this rob anyway??
As the police closes in, Chant escapes with his army of Chants, Chantyana hooks up with Mr. Misinformation again, and who is that mysterious man in the dark???
Read more some other time
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Cowgirl Jack: [QB]***off topic*** Sounds like everyone had wonderful (and in Chant's place, diabolical) Christmas. I got everything I wanted. The cutest jacket, an X-box, money, gift certificates, etc, etc, etc. Everything except for new roommates. Well, nobody could give me that wrapped up anyways. You got an XBOX? That's amazing. I didn't get shpiltz. Except for COURTSIDE TICKETS TO A NETS GAME ON MONDAY!!!! WOOOOHOOOO!!! ![[woooOOOOoooo!]](graemlins/smilewoo.gif) To anyone who wants to know La Machine's true identity, if you have YES network, I'll be at the game starting at 7:30pm Eastern time, somewhere near the court in the middle, about three rows back, wearing a Nets jersey and holding a sign saying "Bring back Bill Raftery". ![[eh?]](images/icons/confused.gif) Hope you guys will be able to see your true teammate ***back to topic*** As the JLR chase off Chant, Chat etc. and Mister Misinformation, La Machine in all the confusion runs into Chantyana. (loud dramatic romance music from Airplane overlays; daaaadaDAdadadaDAAAdaDAdadadaDAAAAA) La Machine: hhi. Mmy- My name is- (Chantyana soccer kicks La Machine right in his jewels) HHWWHHHHOOOOLL!! UH!! uhhhhh! Aaaahh. aaaAAAaaahhh! Mister Misinformation-Chantyana, hurry up!! Chantyana- I'm coming! La Machine- (arms outstreched to Chantyana) wai-uhh-waayyyHhhh. hhhhhappyplace. happy plaaaayyce.
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A giant harpy sits on the branch of an oak tree, clawing at the bark, while a pile of Amazons lay groaning on the floor. Harpy looks pleased with herself. "Caw! Caw! That will teach 'em! Now that Harpy has ransacked Amazon headquarters, time to fly to Greece!" So Harpy flaps her wings hard and leaves the Amzons to find the She-Chant and Mr. Misinformation. "Caw! Caw! And if the JLR try to stop me, I'll claw them too! Caw! Caw! Caw!" [ 12-27-2002, 03:54 PM: Message edited by: Harpy ]
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*****Off topic****** Britannica's Chrissy present list: (off my fiancee): Dr. Who audio adventure CD Clip art CD-ROM Monkey, Pigsy, Sandy & Tripitaka buddha statues ![[humina humina]](graemlins/love.gif) (please tell me you guys and girl have heard of Monkey! Great sage, equal of heaven? Famous Chinese ledgand called "Journey to the West" . . . also a Japanese tv show (late 70's), dubbed into English, based on the Chinese ledgand???) Oh, just go see. . . http://www.monkeyheaven.com/(off my Brother): Another Dr. Who audio adventure CD (off a work & D&D colleague): Gimli ring binder (the one ring binder :lol: ) Merry & Pippin (metal) pencil case (off everyone else, not in order): lotto packs looots of homewhere stuff (joint presents for my fiance and meself) $$$ The ![[no no no]](graemlins/nono.gif) presents: Chocolate shotbread biscuits Chocolates orange brandy-flavoured drinking choclate more biscuits all of these woundn't have been bad gifts, if I wasn't diabetic Maybe, some of my "friends" and relatives are trying to tell me something ![[whaaaa!]](eek01.gif)
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Meanwhile, somewhere near the zoo...
Superfly (puffing a ceeeeegar): Hey baby, what time is it?
Vanessa (turning over in bed): It's 7:30 in the mornin', baby! Go back to sleep.
Superfly: I know I was supposed to do somethin', just can't remember what...
Vanessa: <yawns> Did you remember to mail out all your Christmas cards?
Superfly: Christmas cards! I completely forgot! I let the team down <sob>. I'm a bad motha---
Vanessa: Shut yo mouth*
*That was a Shaft reference, by the way*
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Britannica: Okay guys, we need to regroup!
Ace: Can we officially regroup without Midnight?
Britannica: For now, at least. So, who's here? I see Ace, Dun Like Dinner, La Machine, and RM 552. WHERE IS SUPERFLY AND JACK?
After a hard night's flight, an exhausted Harpy collapses near Britannica's feet.
Harpy: Caw! Caw! Harpy is here! You want to go after Mr. Misinformation and the She-Chant? So do I!
Ace (tapping Britannica's shoulder): You know who this is? Cowgirl Jack's alter ego--Harpy. Jackie warned us about Harpy (Harpy growls at Ace, who ignores it)--she's unpredictable, and carnivorous, and--
Britannica: wants to get back at those villians almost as much as we do. (turns to Harpy) Okay, Harpy, I think we can trust you. We're going after those two, and you can come with us.
Dun Like Dinner: So, now that they fled the cops, how to we find them?
Britannica: Uh, Harpy, any ideas?
Harpy: Caw! Caw! Harpy soars over Greece and looks for the She-Chant! Then when Harpy finds her, she will report back to you, 'kay? Harpy find She-Chant, then Harpy tells you. Then we fight and Harpy wins! Caw! Caw! Caw!
Britannica (nodding): Sounds like a plan. Okay Harpy, go and fly reconosense for us. We'll be in the abandoned attic of the Athens Public Library. Be quick!
Harpy cries out again, starts to flap her way northward, while the rest of the team heads to Athens.
Harpy: Ace no trust Harpy? Caw? Caw? CAW! Then Harpy pick teeth with Ace's bones after dealing with She-Chant! Caw! Caw!
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quote: Originally posted by Superfly Sr.: Who's Monkey?
![[no no no]](graemlins/nono.gif)
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Later at 32 Panepistimiou Street, Athens. . . Britannica: Here it is everyone, the Ethnike Bibliotheke tes Hellados - the National Library of Greece! La Machine (still in high-pitched squeeky voice): I thought we were going to the public library? Brit: We were, but the National Library is a lot nicer and gets better funding. Plus I brought my Friends of International Libraries Everywhere membership card. As a Member of the F.I.L.E., I'm entitled to use the meeting room facilities of every international National Library service, once a year for free - with catering! :) Just watch the coffee, it's a lot stronger than what you are used too in the US. . . Later, in the meeting room, as the JLR wait for their refreshments. . . Ace: I can't believe you are going to trust Harpy! Brit: Who said anything about trusting her? Look without midnightspectre & Glomad, our tracking abilities are severely limited. We need her skills to find Mr. Misinformation, She-Chant and that talking Polar Bear. Besides, I've read the JLR protocols! All we need is a shinny mirror with a bell, and Harpy will be a gentle as a canary. Once she calms down, she'll transform back into Cowgirl Jack. . . By the way, I would just like to point out that I had an intuitive feeling, that talking Polar Bear was evil. That's why I whacked him with the Britannerang :) RM552 & Ace: ![[eh... i dunno... ]](graemlins/ehidunno.gif) Yeah right! Britannica: honest RM552: Hey! I've got hightened senses damn it! I could track the villians down! Brit: Have you seen the pollution out there RM552!! It's not healthy! Plus, I doubt you are at your peak, after that blow to the head from Chant. Can you photographically recall the Super Cat-fight between Cowgirl Jack and She-Chant? RM552: hmmm, let's see. . . ummmm...... no, not there.....maybe over.....nope. .. . how about. . . .agghhhhh. . . Darn that blow to the head! I CAN'T REMEMBER!! ![[AAAHHHH!!!]](graemlins/aahhh.gif) DAMN YOU CHAAAAANT!!!! JLR: [ 12-28-2002, 06:01 PM: Message edited by: Britannica ]
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Meanwhile in the stacks of the Ethnike Bibliotheke tes Hellados - the National Library of Greece! Mr. Misinformation: Darn it! I can't contact the Amazonian Librarian's back at the Stacks. Something must be wrong. . . She-Chant: That Chant, foiled our plans again! We didn't get a chance to talk to Toxic Bob, to invite him into the Injustice Reality Gang. . . Bundy Bear: I did. MM: Well, Toxic Bob couldn't have gotten too far. . . SC: Great, but how do we find him? MM: Just follow the trail of unconscious Greeks, I guess. . . BB: *cough* *cough* Struth, are you two, deaf or somethin'. I just told you I've already invited Toxic Bob into the IRG. MM & SC: ![[whaaaa!]](eek01.gif) wha!?!. . . when!?!. . . how!?! BB: Well while the cops & the JLR, were dealing with all the Chants & Amazonian Librarians, I walked up to Toxic Bob and asked him. MM: But how!?! Everyone else who goes near him, falls unconscious. . . BB: :lol: Mate! Remember I used to work for Coca-Cola and Bunderberg Rum! After working with all them chemicals, me snozer [taps nose] can deal with anythin'. MM: Marvellous! ![[mwah hwah haa]](graemlins/devil.gif) But, um, what did he say? BB: He said, he had some personal business to take care of first, then he be 'round as soon as possible *knock* *knock* BB: That's probably him now. I'll just go let him in. . . [Bundy Bear goes to open door] SC: No! Wait! [Bundy Bear opens door] BB: Bob! Buddy! Come on in Cobber! Toxic Bob [carrying an unconscious Chant]: Th-th-thanks J-j-ja-j-j-Jack! *thud* *thud* *thudthud* *thud* *thud* [Mr. Misinformation, She-Chant and the reamaining Amazonian Librarians fall unconsciouous] TB: W-w-wa-w-was it s-s-so-s-something I-i-i-i s-s-s-sa-s-said? BB: Naaa. Don't worry 'bout it buddy. They'll get used to it :) Would ya like a Bundy & Coke? TB: B-b-b-b-be-b-b-better n-n-no-n-not, th-th-th-thanks BB: Mate, relax. No interviews here! Welcome to the Injustice Reality Gang :) TB: Excellent! ![[mwah hwah haa]](graemlins/devil.gif) *thud* [Toxic Bob drops Chant on the floor]
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As Chant sits in his new lair, at Mount Olympus (Zeus and all the other gods may be powerful, but take on an army of Chants....I don´t think so) where he kicked out the gods he ponders what to do with his army of Chants......
Chant456: Chant, Chant, I have just recieved word that Chant1043 has been captured by toxicbob, what are we going to do????
Chant: Well, there are in total around 3500 Chants running around, one less isn´t going to hurt our cause, however, since he is my counterpart, we better go rescue him......tomorrow......Right now we need to establish a new cloning facility so we can clone an army of evil Postalworker minion types....We need enough to give each Chant a legion of at least 1000 minions..
Now, if I can only remember where I got the last cloning facility.....ahhh.....E-bay, we need to get online so we can participate in the auction for a cloningfacility....Some idiot is always selling that stuff.
We need money too, let´s rob some banks or something.....No, I have an even better idea, let´s steal the JLR´s pettycash and use that......
Is the thousands of Chants going to steal the pettycash, will the captured Chant escape and who is that mysterious man in the dark???
read more some other time
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Meanwhile, back at the Barn of Justice. . . Buttercup: Neigh neigh neigh neigh neigh neigh neigh! Napolean: Eeyoh Buttercup: Neigh neigh neigh neigh neigh, neigh'd neigh neigh neigh neigh Neigh! Napolean: Eeyoh eeyoh eeyoh eeyoh eeyoh eeyoh eeyoh eeyoh eeyoh eeyoh eeyoh eeyoh eeyoh EEYHO Buttercup: Neigh, neigh neigh! Napolean: Eeyoh! Eeyoh eeyoh eeyoh!?! Buttercup: whiny ![[no no no]](graemlins/nono.gif) * (translations below) Tractor Trailer Bob: Buttercup! Napolean! Time for your feed! Buttercup: Neigh, Neigh! Napolean: Eeyoh eeyoh! Eeyoh eeyoh eeyoh eeyoh eeyoh eeyoh eeyoh, Eeyoh. . . *munch* *munch* *crunch* *chew* *chew* *gulp* *yaaaawwwwnnn* *yaaawwwnnn* Buttercup: Neigh. . . .neeeeiiiggghhh. . . Napolean: Eeyoh. . .eeyoh. . . eeyoh. . .eeyoh. . . eeyoh. . . eeyoh. . . zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz [Tractor Trailor Bob picks up the phone] TTB: Hello? I'd like to speak to Amazing Harry --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Translated from the horse and donky: Buttercup: I don't believe they left us behind! Napolean: Yeah Buttercup: If it wasn't for us, they'd still be prisioners of Chant! Napolean: I guess this is all we can expect as animal sidekicks of the JLR Buttercup: Sidekicks, my ass! Napolean: What! I'm your sidekick!?! Buttercup: nevermind Buttercup: Thanks, Bob! Napolean: Yeah thanks! At least we can count on you, Bob. . . Buttercup: Feeling. . . .sleeeppppyyyyyyy. . . Napolean: I'll. . .just. . . lie. . .down. . . here. . .now. . .
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Tractor Trailer Bob on the phone with The Amazing Harry
TTB- Hello Harry.. Yeah the horses are out sleeping like babies.
TAH- Good my plan is working. I'll be their shortly, as soon as I can construct a portal to take me from my world to yours. So far I haven't had much luck. Then we can start phase two. Once I get there I'll meet up with this newly formed Injustice Leage Reality. They'll be like clay in my hands once I hypnotize them. With them as my slaves it will be easy to take out Ace and the rest of the JLR. Humphh call me a hack will he! He'll pay!!! And Bob if anyone on the team gets suspicous you know what to do.
Bob pulls out a trunk filled with weapons- Yes sir
TTB- Hiyuck yuk yuk yuk yuk
Just then Superfly Sr. runs into the barn
SS-What's going on here Bob? I heard your whole convervation. Who's Harry and why does he want to take us out?!?!
TAH- Bob it looks like you've got your first victim. Forget the weapons, they're all to messy. Why dont you just show this young man some of your southern hospitality. HA HA HA HA HA!