As Chant sits in his new lair, at Mount Olympus (Zeus and all the other gods may be powerful, but take on an army of Chants....I don´t think so) where he kicked out the gods he ponders what to do with his army of Chants......

Chant456: Chant, Chant, I have just recieved word that Chant1043 has been captured by toxicbob, what are we going to do????

Chant: Well, there are in total around 3500 Chants running around, one less isn´t going to hurt our cause, however, since he is my counterpart, we better go rescue him......tomorrow......Right now we need to establish a new cloning facility so we can clone an army of evil Postalworker minion types....We need enough to give each Chant a legion of at least 1000 minions..

Now, if I can only remember where I got the last cloning facility.....ahhh.....E-bay, we need to get online so we can participate in the auction for a cloningfacility....Some idiot is always selling that stuff.

We need money too, let´s rob some banks or something.....No, I have an even better idea, let´s steal the JLR´s pettycash and use that......


Is the thousands of Chants going to steal the pettycash, will the captured Chant escape and who is that mysterious man in the dark???

read more some other time