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quote: Originally posted by Grimm: Yeah, it's that wacky little thing called evolution. Apparently the original MBL stories started out kinda mixed like that and have become now pretty much straight stories with separate talk threads....
Hey, if we're gonna move this thread, maybe we should consider shortening our team name. Justice League Reality - Message Board takes up a lot of business card space and I'm paying by the letter for our newspaper ads.
How else are we gonna find people WITH MONEY to save? Leather and spandex (for the ladies) ain't cheap!
I move that we hold a vote to become either the "Justice League Reality" or the "Justice League Message Board."
Anyone second the motion?
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quote: Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk: quote: Originally posted by Britannica: And you never know, both our Groups could have regular team-ups, when those multi-message board crises occur. :)
I think that could work very well, but with the old version of the MBL (we're using a new one, but the old one is still there). The posters that weren't there in the old universe could use characters from other posters or create new characters (or even make old-universe versions of their current characters).
Gah. . . Brain overloading . . . concept too much . . . to take in . . .
Must. . . lie down. . . now . . .
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quote: Originally posted by Superfly Sr.: quote: Originally posted by Grimm: Yeah, it's that wacky little thing called evolution. Apparently the original MBL stories started out kinda mixed like that and have become now pretty much straight stories with separate talk threads....
Hey, if we're gonna move this thread, maybe we should consider shortening our team name. Justice League Reality - Message Board takes up a lot of business card space and I'm paying by the letter for our newspaper ads.
How else are we gonna find people WITH MONEY to save? Leather and spandex (for the ladies) ain't cheap!
I move that we hold a vote to become either the "Justice League Reality" or the "Justice League Message Board."
Anyone second the motion?
I'll go with the Justice League Reality!
Oh, and by the Gods, I edit!!!! [ 12-20-2002, 06:22 PM: Message edited by: Britannica ]
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quote: Originally posted by TheTimeTrust: quote: Supposedly posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk: The posters that weren't there in the old universe could use characters from other posters or create new characters (or even make old-universe versions of their current characters).
Fwuh??? I should know what you mean, but I don't.
I'm saying that, if we were to use the old universe, I could use Mxy and you could use TTT, but who would T5, Grimm, Doctor and Tayden use? I say they could use alredy existant characters, create new ones, or make "lighter" versions of their Hero Revolution characters to fit the old universe.
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And now in the new "Avatar Ready" model...
Thanks Brit.
And I also like JL Reality.
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quote: Originally posted by Superfly Sr.: And now in the new "Avatar Ready" model...
Thanks Brit.
No probs, Superfly. Nice one!! :)
Anyhoo, Justice League Reality roll-call:
(I've always wanted to do one of these)
Ace La Machine Registered Member #552 Superfly Sr. Britannica
Justice League Reality ASSEMBLE
I'm afraid, we can't wait any longer for the others, I'm sure they will be able to find us, especially if Superfly Sr., has already got business cards made up. :)
Chant is loose on this Board somewhere, and he has to be stopped!
Let's go to the House of Justice. . .
umm, I wonder where it is in this reality???
uh, Superfly, could you give me one of those business cards, please? ![[gulp!]](gulp.gif) [ 12-20-2002, 07:58 PM: Message edited by: Britannica ]
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Our ranks have thinned haven't they? Well I took care of the relocation problem. Our headquarters are now (drumroll) ......In the back office of a Denny's in Pennsylvania!!! ............................ ...well? ................. .......you know, there's a lot of nice Amish people out here...... .....maybe they can......I don't know...........make some butter for us or something........ ............................. ![[no no no]](graemlins/nono.gif)
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quote: Originally posted by Britannica: Glomad Beefnickle
I saw this guy! Here, in one of the other forums. . .
quote: Originally posted by Britannica: quote: Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk: quote: Originally posted by Britannica: And you never know, both our Groups could have regular team-ups, when those multi-message board crises occur. :)
I think that could work very well, but with the old version of the MBL (we're using a new one, but the old one is still there). The posters that weren't there in the old universe could use characters from other posters or create new characters (or even make old-universe versions of their current characters).
Gah. . . Brain overloading . . . concept too much . . . to take in . . .
Must. . . lie down. . . now . . .
:lol: Mxy has that effect on people.
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Hey guys. It looks to me that u guys are a little short handed. OMG!!! U CAN EDIT!!!!! Well anyways, I was just wondering if u were lookin for new members to aid u in your battle against that DELIVERER OF DESTRUCTION, THAT POSTMASTER OF PAIN, THE ........THE.......... Dammit, I can't think of anymore!! Just let me know if u need a hand. [ 12-21-2002, 07:06 AM: Message edited by: dun_like_dinner ]
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Unfortunately Chant you're right. We're flat broke. Although the team took my advice and bought some insurance on the old place we didn't get full coverage. We didn't want to spend the extra 10 dollars to get coverage on paralell universe extra-dimensional travel. ( ![[DOH!]](graemlins/homerface01.gif) ) Who woulda known? Oh well, this time we'll be prepared.
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And La Machine, if you want to, private message me your ideas we were talking about on the DCMBs.
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Unbeknowesnt to the JLR, Chant plots his next villianous plot. . . Meanwhile, back at the Barn of Justice, the JLR hold their first meeting in this reality. . . Well, first off, I guess we have to thank La Machine, for finding us this, uh, new HQ. . . [Members of the JLR look around their surroundings - an old barn ![[eh... i dunno... ]](graemlins/ehidunno.gif) ]. Look Team, I know it's not what we're used to, but at least it's a start. . . Ace, could you please pass me the butter? Ta! Secondly, welcome back to Dun_Like_Dinner. Glad to see you made it through the dimensional rift. Your Clean-up villiany abilities will be very Handy(wipe) :) *cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck* La Machine, there's a chicken on our meeting crate. . . La Machine: Sorry, Brit. . . [La Machine grabs the chicken off the crate. . . *Bwaaark* chicken flaps wings furiously, sending feathers flying everywhere,sending several members of the JLR into a sneezing fit] Anyhoo, Ace has brought up an important point. This time we are deffinately going for the fully comprehensive dimensional deleation and travel policy! But beofre we even consider insurance, there are one or two more important issues to consider. . . 1) We don't have any official past in this reality, it is going to be difficult to establish ourselves in this new reality. 2) How are we going to fund our opperations? [Britannica puts his hand in his pocket and pulls out $36.45 (Australian)], this is all the money I had on me when our reality was deleated. And of course all our savings accounts went with it. How much does everyone else have on them? La Machine: $2.50 Though I've got some Nets trading cards, if the Team really needs it. . . [thinks to self pleasedon'tneedthem, pleasedon'tneedthem. . . ] Ace: $50.00 Superfly Sr.: Registered Member #552: $552 exactly Dun_Like_Dinner: $2,567.24 [All the JLR, look at the newest member. . . ![[humina humina]](graemlins/love.gif) ] DLD: Well I was off to buy some cleaning products with the JLR petty cash, when our reality was wiped out. Britannica: Great! That'll keep us covered for the time-being, but it looks like we are all still going to have to get jobs! The JLR: ![[whaaaa!]](eek01.gif) [With lots of what the's. . .?, you must be kidding's and nooooooooooooo's] [Britannica motions the JLR to clam down] Look, I have just sent off an application for a job in this dimension's version of the Library I used to work for in our previous reality. I'll keep you all posted with any progress. But in the meantime, do you guys have any ideas where you can get jobs? La Machine: We could always work for the farmers? Britannica: Um, yes, but we need money, not more butter. . . hang on. . . butter. . . I have an idea, which just may work! How about - Official JLR butter and dairy products!?! We could make a fortune! :) [ 12-22-2002, 06:01 AM: Message edited by: Britannica ]
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Unbeknownst to the JLR Chant had in the old universe a machine with which he could contact other universes, actually the most efficient and powerful postal service in the world and knew where his doppelgangers resided, when he learned of the forthcoming universetransition he quickly contacted the resident Chant of the universe in which they would be sent into. Chant´s luck had indeed not run, the Chant2 were also and evil mailmaster of mayhem and has now taken up arms with Chant1. They have joined their forces to destroy the hopeless JLR.....
Two Chants against one JLR, it would be harder to knock a fly off course........
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uh oh! not only r we still short handed, but now we have 2 mailmasters of mayhem wreaking havoc and not sending out peolple's christmas cards to their loved ones!!!!!! we need a plan to take down these disgruntled-devils of the post office!!
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Two Chants!! Diverting loved-one's Chrissy cards!!! That's Barbaric!!! Let's go deliver justice to the Mad Mailers! And to make things worse, I have just discovered I didn't get that job in this reality's version of the Library I used to work for, back in our own dimension ![[...rassamnfrackin...]](graemlins/grumble01.gif) . . . This reality's version of Me got it instead! And that's not all! The Britannica of this reality does not call himself Britannica, he calls himself. . . Mr. Misinformation !!!! I have an evil doppleganger in this reality Our numbers are too thin, we'll have to deal with the Chants first. I see we have three objectives: 1) Take out the PostMaster and the Mailer of Mayhem. 2) Rescue all of those stock-piled Christmas Cards. 3) Deliver all of the Christmas cards before Christmas! Big ask, I know! I suggest we split into Teams. One group to attack Chants' lair and keep them busy, while the second group sneaks in, grabs the cards and delivers them. I suggest La Machine, should take Superfly Sr. and Dun_Like_Dinner to attack the Chants' lair. If you take out the Chants and their Evil US Postal Worker-type Minions, early, come and help the second Team deliver the Christmas cards to their rightful owners. I propose that Ace would be ideal to head-up the second group, has he already has experience delivering cards (cards, getit ![[biiiig grin]](images/icons/grin.gif) , hehehehe, hmm, sorry about that ![[gulp!]](gulp.gif) ), Registered Member #552 and myself will make up the second Team OK Team, JLRer's ASSEMBLE!! ![[AAAHHHH!!!]](graemlins/aahhh.gif) oops. . . JLRer's SPLIT UP!! [ 12-22-2002, 03:55 PM: Message edited by: Britannica ]
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Ace grabs his cards and slips them into his belt Alright, Registered Member, Britannica lets get going. I'll go warm up the car while you two get ready. And Britannica remember to go to the bathroom before we leave this time. I don't want to have to stop again. Everyone jumps into the car. Registered Member- Uh so does anyone know how were supposed to find Chant. Britannica- Well he's usually at some kinda post office. Ace- Yes but today is a Sunday. He wouldn't be there today. They're all closed. Registered Member- Well what does a mailman do on a Sunday? Hmmm.... Britannica- I got it! They go to the zoo. Ace and Registered Member- ....... Britannica- Well I don't see either of you coming up with anything Ace- Well its better than nothing and it's worth a shot.... I guess. Britannica- Then let's go Registered Member to Ace- The zoo? Ace- I don't know. But you've seen Britannica with that Britannarang of his and I don't think we want to piss him off. Register Member- Good point Britannica- I heard that
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15 minutes later, on their way to the zoo. . . Britannica: Ace, can we stop somewhere, I've got to go to the loo. . . . Ace & Registered Member #552: Britannica!!!! B: Wha . . . I went before we left!! I PROMISE!!!!! ![[who, me?]](graemlins/whome01.gif)
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After a brief discussion the heroes drive off to engage the two mailmasters of mayhem, they decided to go the postoffice instead of the zoo as they remembered that due to christmas the offices opens on sundays too.
They drive very quietly up the front door of the postoffice
Registered member: Shouldn´t we take the back door or a window or something like that?
Ace: Why is that, the front door is open, they wouldn´t expect an attack through the front door.
Britannica: Maybe they know we would say that they would never expect an attack through the front door and therefore post a lot of guards there. That means we should attack through the backdoor.
Ace: But what if they want us to believe that they know that we think that they have placed guards at the front door and we then attack the backdoor, where they have placed a lot of guards!!!
Registered member: What if that is something they want us to believe, which means we should attack through a window
Britannica: But, what if they know that we are going to argue like this and then decide to attack through a window and they know that, we´ll run into an attack.
Ace: Yes, but what if that is something we believe because it something they want us to beli.....
All the others: RIGHT.......CHARGE!!!!!!
The JLR charges out of the car (horse and cart) up the stairs towards the front door.... As they reach the front door they see a small note hanging on the door.
Britannica grabs it and starts reading aloud:
Dear costumer, The postoffice has moved to another location due to lack of space at previous office, you will be informed of the knew location sometime next millinium
Chant´n´Chant Mailmasters of Mayhem
Ace: Crap, what do we do now?
Registered member: let´s go home and have snack and a drink
All the other: right
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As Ace, RM#552 & Britannica, make their way back to the Barn of Justice on the Horseandcart-mobile. . . A: Man, I was looking forward to a fight. RM552: What a waste of time. . . B: I know! Let's go to the zoo anyway A & RM552: B: Well we are in the area. Why not? It'll be fun! A: Well, I guess. . . RM552: Yeah, at least it would be something to do. . . B: Excellent!!! A: Giddy-up, Buttercup. To the zoo! Buttercup: neigh
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After a few hours in the zoo the JLR´rs get anxious, they want to fight. Britannica grabs his Britannarang and throws it at a huge Polarbear who gets very angry and starts complaining to the zookeeper....Complaining???...as in talking????....What the hell is this universe, animals that talks????.......well, back to story.....The zookeeper runs over towards the JLR´rs shouting "who did this, who did this"
Britannica grins evilly and points at ace who´s standing completely like "what the hell is going on here?"
The zookeeper pulls out a cellphone and calls the police as the JLR escapes in their Horseandcart-mobile...
Zookeeper: we have three strangely clad people in a horse and cart on the run towards the old barn outside barn, we need reinforcements, they are armed and dangerous........
To be continued
Off-topic: G-night People
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Just as the three heros make their escape ![[no no no]](graemlins/nono.gif) (Off topic: DAAMMMNNN YOU CHAAANNTTT!!!!), Britannica's evil doppleganger from this reality, Mr. Misinformation, and his Army of Amazonian Librarians enter the zoo, to complete the next phase of their first attempt to conquer the world. MI: Ah, all is going according to plan. Phase 2, of our first attempt to take over the world is underway, my Army of Amazonian Librarians AoAL: Yes Miss Information! MI: That's Mister Misinformation, if you please! AoAL: Sorry, Mister Misinformation :) MI: That's better. Now all we have to do is grab. . . Zoo Kepper [pointing at Mr. Misinformation]: Oi! That's the bloke who whacked me poor old talking Poler Bear, with his flying-stick-thingy. . . Get 'im! MI: Flying-stick-thingy!?! What flying-stick-thingy??? Amazonian Librarian: Uh, Chief, I think we better run for it, here come the cops! [Police, guards and one angry talking Polar Bear, start running towards Mr. Misinformation and the Army of Amazonian Librarians] MI: Curses!!! Someone is going to pay for all of this! [Mr. Misinformation and the Army of Amazonian Librarians scarper from the zoo] (off topic: night Chant. DAAAMMMMNNNN YOU!!!)
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As the mob, chase Mr. Misinformation and his Army of Amazonian Librarians, our heroes make their way quickly, in the opposite direction. . . Ace: What the hell happend there!?! Brit: I don't know RM552: For some reason the mob is going the other way. . . All 3: *phew* RM552: Hey guys, do you notice that thin yellow line along the side of the road. . . A: You mean the one that says "Follow this thin yellow line to Chant's evil lair", every half-mile? RM552: Yeah, that one! B: Could be important! Maybe we should follow it? A: Don't know, Buttercup is looking kinda tired. . . Buttercup: neigh B: That's OK, I've got some sugar cubes, just for such an emergancy! [Feeds the sugar to Buttercup] Buttercup: NEEEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Gallops off at an incredibly fast past, boardering on super-speed] JLR: Whoah Buttercup, Whoah!!! ![[whaaaa!]](eek01.gif)
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Ace- Oh good job Britannica. You got us thrown out of the zoo. I didn't even get to see the monkeys. You know how much I love the monkeys. Britannica- It wasn't my fault. It was that goody-two shoes tattle-tale Polarbear. Registered Member- I wonder if the others had better luck than us. Ace- I think we have bigger things to worry about. Look! *Ace points at a mob of angry Amazon Librarians* Britannica- My God that person in the lead of the army looks just like me. Registered Member- Well maybe you two can catch up later. Like when she's not trying to kill us. Runnn!!!! Britannica-Quick just keep following the yellow paint line. Wait where have I heard that before? Ace-Lions tigers and bears oh my Registered Member-What? Ace-The Army of Librarians has lions tigers and bears Britannica- Shoot they weren't retreating they were getting reinforcement! [ 12-22-2002, 07:24 PM: Message edited by: Ace ]
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Grimm sticks his head inside the empty barn, looks around, and says "Nope. Nothing going on inside here. Just a bunch of chickens and some boxes that look like they were set up for somebody to play cards." He turns around and rejoins his friends on their way back to their own story. . .
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This reminds me of the good ol' days when TOMB fought Shock Headed Peter every week and Chewy would stretch his arms through time...
...those were the days...
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Gooz slaps Chewy on the back of the head, "Snap out of it buddy, at least 3 years have to pass before you can start calling things the good old days." Chewy signs. "Now, the original Message Board League, THOSE were the good old days." ![[nyah hah]](images/icons/tongue.gif) :lol: ![[cool]](images/icons/cool.gif)
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La Machine, Superfly Sr., and Dun_Like_Dinner prepare to enter the heart of the beast, Chant's lair..... .........as soon as the phone repairman comes....
......to fix the phone booth....
that the team needs.....
......to call for a cab.......
.......to take them into the city........
............to grab a bus.....
.....to go to the belly of the lion, Chant's lair.
Superfly- God it's colder out here than you'd think! La Machine- I have a stick of gum if anyone wants it. Dun- I'll take it. La Machine- Oh but i don't want to split it. Dun- What do you mean? La Machine- I hate breaking gum in half. Dun-Then why the hell did you offer it to us? La Machine- (silence) Superfly- Moron.
(A car appears down the road) La Machine- Oh, here we go.
Superfly- Beautiful. Dun- Does he see us? La Machine- Of course he sees us. Dun- I don't think he's slowing down. La machine- Don't be ridiculous. Superfly- Yeah don't be ridicu....well now I don't think he is either. La Machine- Watch...see? See, here he goes....he's slowing.... he's slowing......
(car blows by the team, spraying mud all over them) La machine-....I lost my gum.
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As the heroes follow the thin yellow line towards Chant´n´Chants lair the two Chants are preparing the trap he laid out for the Evil Mr. Misinformation
After a few minutes the heroes storm the lair and charges right into the trap which is a very big hole with superglue at the buttom. They are stuck, permanently
Chant2: What, what what what, That´s Mr Misinformation and some other people I´ve never seen before.
Chant1: That´s not Mr. Misinformation, that´s Britannica and other heroes of the JLR, this is an even better catch. So JLR´rs, without the Midnightspectre there is noone to save you now, I shall torment you to the end of your time here......
Chant2: You mean we shall torment the...
Chant1: No, I shall torment them, and you can join them....
Chant1 pushes Chant2 down into the pit filled with superglue....
Chant2: bu...but why?
Chant1: You are not evil enough, you are not suited to be a villain, and furhtermore, you are not even my counterpart, my counterpart would be a man, you are woman, you threacheous filhty bag.......Now, prepare for torment....My evil postalworker minion types will torment you while I go look for my real counterpart......
To be continued........
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Four hours later Superfly, Dun, and La Machine find themselves seated in the cramped but cushy cabin of a fast moving tractor trailer. Tractor Trailer Bob: So, where you boys headed? Dun: Well, sir, we're members of the Justice League Reality (the three superheroes strike triumphant poses) La Machine: Oww! Your finger's in my eye! Superfly: Sorry. TTB: Never heard of ya. Superfly hands him one of their business cards. TTB (slowly reads the print): Still never heard o' ya, but those sure are pretty cards ya got there. Superfly smiles a triumphant smile. Dun: Well, speaking of cards, sir, the mischievously maliputive mailman, Chant, has once again troubled the innocent with an evil scheme to eliminate Christmas by preventing the delivery of holiday greetings cards throughout America. LM (whispering to Superfly): Who died and made him narrator? TTB: <sniff> And you guys are trying to stop him? That's the sweetest, most endearing thing I've ever heard. Superfly: Crybaby. TTB: Anyway I can help? La Machine: <chuckle> No offense, sir, but unless you know the secret location of Chant's secret lair-- TTB: Oh, Chant's secret lair? We're right by there now. It's just past the zoo! La, Super, and Dun: Super: Ummm.. sir, how exactly do you know that? TTB: Chant's Secret Lair is the best pitstop this side of Miguel's House of Strippers. Chant's henchmen make the best chilli burgers. Super: STRIPPERS!? La Machine: Down boy. Dun: Then, sir, you'd be doing us, nay, the Christmas-loving citizen of America and the world a great service by taking us to his lair. TTB: Sure, no problem. While we're talking about service, uh, any of you guys got some gas money? Petroleum don't come cheap, ya know. Super: ![[um.... uh huh! ... ]](graemlins/umuhhuh001.gif)
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Back at the Chants' lair. . . Leaving our heroes (Ace, Regisitered Member #552 & Britannica) and his not so evil coounter-part of this Reality (She-Chant), in a sticky situation, Chant1 has done what any self-loathing evil, world-domineering-type villian would do in the same situation . . . he walked off to do something else. . . Britannica: Sorry guys, I did have an arm free, until She-Chant landed on it. . . I can't get the Britannerang. And all of this glue makes my independant third-toe movement ability uselss. . . How are you going Ace? Ace: ![[DOH!]](graemlins/homerface01.gif) Can't reach cards. . . arms pinned down by sticky substance. . . What is this stuff anyway? She-Chant: It's the glue that's used on the back of envelopes A: Oh great! Hey where's Registered Member #552!?! RM552: Mmmmmmpppphhhh! mme-mantmm. . . mmidden mon mmmy mmmafe mmmpphhh * A & B: SC: sorry about that [stands up to allow Registered Member #557 to breath once more] RM552: thank . . . you. . . SC: my pleasure A: Hey! How come's you can move about in this stuff? SC: I am the PostMistress. I have the same abilities as Chant1 - why is he called Chant1!?! I was in this universe first, I should be Chant1, darn it, not She-Chant! He should be Chant2, at least He-Chant ![[...rassamnfrackin...]](graemlins/grumble01.gif) - do you think mere envelope glue would hold me? A: Well you would have thought so. . . B: I would have said yes RM552: SC: B: O.K. . . . but can you free us? SC: Of course! But first I have some business to take care of. . . [She-Chant, takes out a grappling-envelope from her postbag, swings it up to the top of the pit and pulls her-self out] A: That's impressive. . . B: She could have freed us first RM552: To be continued. . . * translation: Help! She-Chant is sitting on my face (the Narrator) [ 12-23-2002, 01:57 PM: Message edited by: Britannica ]
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When we last left our heros Ace Britannica and Registered Member#552 were all in a sticky situation caught in a trap set by the Deliverer of Doom Chant.
Ace- Ughh ugh.. Can't get free.
Britannica- None of us can. Were stuck here until She-Chant comes back to rescue us.
Registered Member- If she ever does. Just because shes less evil than Chant doesn't mean she's not evil at all. But I guess she's our only hope.
Ace- Maybe not! I have a plan. Registered Member, use your free arm to grab one of my exploding cards from my belt.
Registered Member- OK I got it. Now what?
Ace- Now throw it towards the ceiling to start a fire. The fire will make the sprinklers go off and just might water this glue down enough to get us free.
*Registered Member does what Ace instructs him. It works. They all climb out of the hole together.*
Ace- Good job, that was some fine throwing Registered Member(Ace pats Registered Member on the back. His hand gets stuck. Britannica runs up and hugs the both of them.)
Britannica- Thank goodness were finally free. (He keeps on hugging them)
Registered Member- Uh Britannica not that I dont apreciate your enthusiasm but do you think you could...you know... let go.
Britannica- No I can't.
Britannica- ummm actually I'm stuck.
Ace and Registered Member-What!
Ace- So is my hand
*They all try to pull free with no luck*
Ace- Oh crap [ 12-23-2002, 02:42 PM: Message edited by: Ace ]
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Hey guys! How are my boys? Jackie here. Sorry, I've been a little lost. I'm back in my hometown for winter break and my computer is up at UF. So I'm using my mom's on the phone line and I have to type quickly because I have to get back to work we have lots of guest coming Christmas morning (whew long sentence). Right, so I've really missed much, huh? Where the heck are our new headquarters? And I can put in about a hundred for the petty cash. Also, being the only non-testosterone member here, it might be best if I face off with the She-Chant.
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Oh and thanks everyone for the e-mails. I got about a dozen of them informing me of the new site. It's nice to be missed. So, where's midnight?
Hey Superfly, you got the air running in Miami? Looks like I'll be spending another Christmas Eve doing yard work...
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Yee-ha Jackie's here! Now we finally have our team's girl. ![[cool]](images/icons/cool.gif)
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quote: Originally posted by Cowgirl Jack: ...Hey Superfly, you got the air running in Miami? Looks like I'll be spending another Christmas Eve doing yard work...
I was sweating this morning on my way to work, and we've got the office AC at full blast.
Just another Christmas in Miami .
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quote: Originally posted by Ace: Yee-ha Jackie's here!
Now we finally have our team's girl.
Yee-ha... teehee.
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quote: Our beloved narrator: We rejoin our heroes as they enter the "secret" lair of Chant, the maliscious mailman of doom...
La Machine (looking around): Hey, this ain't bad.
Tractor Trailer Bob: This place is great for resting your eyes. TVs, a sauna, and a Hooters in the back.
Dun: Down boy!
La Machine: Oh my gosh, that looks like the rest of the JLR in some sorta.... um.... errr....
Brit: Guys, over here!
Dun and Super: Whoa!
La Machine: I ain't touchin' em.
And so our heroes of the JLR are... stuck.
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By the time Jackie makes it to the new HQ (nice barn, guys--next time I pick the HQ), everyone is gone. After examining the tracks Buttercup left, she decides to follow them to find the guys. Grabbing her cowboy hat and jumping on Napoleon, the donkey, Jackie makes her way out of the barn and into danger (I hate writing in the third person like this). There's the sound of a whinny, and Buttercup races towards Jackie. "Neigh!" "What?" (She doesn't talk, but I just finished that Equine Sciences class ![[biiiig grin]](images/icons/grin.gif) ). "The guys are stuck in glue, and the She-Chant's getting away? Okay, look, I need you to pick up some ice for the guys to get the glue off them, and I'm going after the She-Chant. Forward, Napoleon!" Jackie finds She-Chant in her own lair, hidden underneath a post office truck. She has Chant tied up, tarred, and feathered. "So, dump me in a pile of glue next to the superheroes! Not evil enough, huh? Well, how about this for an evil plan? I'm getting your little superfriends (no pun intended) and trapping them here with you. They're so close to trusting me, it will be easy. Then you'll all suffocate from the glue fumes. That's right, no leaving-the-foes-alone-right-before-death, no evil-laughter-as-heroes-plan-escape. Just plan wicked." "Wow," thought Jackie. "This girl just came, and she's twice as good as the real Chant. Better stop her now, even if it means saving the real Chant." "Yo, big momma! Who taught you how to apply your make-up? Krusty the Clown?" She-Chant spins around and glares at Jack. "You little witch!" POW! Cowgirl Jack finds herself on the ground with a bloody nose. "Holy cow you're asking for it!" WHAM! She-Chant backs away after Cowgirl Jack delivers a nasy blow to the head. "How dare you!" RIP! Jackie looks at her torn sleeve. "You hussy, that was my favorite shirt!" RIP! "Ah! You thought a little tear like that was bad? How about this?" RIP! Chant: ![[whaaaa!]](eek01.gif) "I take it back, Jack. You can be a villian if you want to." RIP! (Cowgirl Jack and She-Chant continue to fight and rip at each other...)
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quote: Originally posted by Cowgirl Jack: "Yo, big momma! Who taught you how to apply your make-up? Krusty the Clown?" She-Chant spins around and glares at Jack. "You little witch!" POW! Cowgirl Jack finds herself on the ground with a bloody nose. "Holy cow you're asking for it!" WHAM! She-Chant backs away after Cowgirl Jack delivers a nasy blow to the head. "How dare you!" RIP! Jackie looks at her torn sleeve. "You hussy, that was my favorite shirt!" RIP! "Ah! You thought a little tear like that was bad? How about this?" RIP! Chant: "I take it back, Jack. You can be a villian if you want to." RIP! (Cowgirl Jack and She-Chant continue to fight and rip at each other...)
Yee-sss!!! A cat-fight! Raerrr! ![[biiiig grin]](images/icons/grin.gif)