Meanwhile back at Greece Registered Member #552 and Dun Like Dinner round up Mr. Misinformation Toxic Bob and Bundy while La Machine tends to his bleeding nose. Britannica and Ace are off tracking Chantyana into an abandoned building.
La Machine- Ow God I tink she bwoke my dose
Dun- You should consider yourself lucky she didn't kill you.
RM#552- Alright I'm I've got Bundy and Mr. Misinformation tied up. How about you? Are you done Dun. Ha Done Dun.
Dun- Funny Yeah I've got Bob tied up too.
RM#552- Good! Lets hope Ace and Britannica can handle Chantyana by themselves.
In the abandoned building
Ace- Chantyana!!! Where are you?!?!
Britannica- You might as well give yourself up! You can run but you can't hide! Well find you sooner or later.
Chantyana- You'll never catch me.
Britannica- There she is Ace. Throw one of your cards.
Ace throws a card but Chantyana ducks and it misses.
Britannica- Damn looks like a job for the Britannerang
Chantyana runs down a hall and around a corner just missing the Britannerang by a hair
Both of them round the corner and fall right into a trap set by Chantyana. She comes from behind the corner and swings a big lead pipe at the both of them.
Ace and Britannica- Oooofff!!! (They fall on the floor unconscious)
Chantyana- Hahahaha Now to take care of the othe...
Boom! Harpy bursts through the window and tackles Chantyana
Harpy- Caw! Now Harpy has her revenge on puny Chantyana. First Harpy will eat you then Harpy will have dessert.