Didn't I lead all the Chant clones to a flaming death a couple of posts ago?
Meanwhile, the battle rages on...
There must still be a few Amazons around, because I still have a tail...
Britannica and the Sphinx meet up with Chant, who is mourning over his roasted clones.
"My beautiful children! You will be avenged when I get a hold of that wrench Cowgirl Jack--hey, who's the cat?"
Sphinx jumps onto Chant and begins to claw at his face. Britannica can only look on. "Hey, save some energy for Mr. Misinformation and She-Chant."
In another part of the battle...
"Hey, Ace, look out behind you!"
Ace throws a card at the last Amazon. "Whew. Thanks for the save, La Machine."
"Yeah. We're doing pretty good. We knocked out the Amazons, Cowgirl Jack set the Chants on fire, and Harpy dealt with Brundy Bear. All we have to deal with now is Chant, She-Chant, Mr. Misinformation, and Toxic Bob."
Back to Britannica, Chant, and the Sphinx...
Chant thought the Sphinx's face was familiar. Someone that owes me money? An old girlfriend? Who? But Chant had lost all enthusiasim for the battle, and was content to let this mauler cut him to pieces.
With the Amazons gone, the Sphinx disappears and a very confused-looking Cowgirl Jack. "Oh-oh..."
Chant's eyes glow with newfound hatred. "You..."
***off topic***
Thanks again, La Machine, for those comments on the JLA board. You're a true gentleman! (If you want to see what the deal is, check out the JLA topic title something like 'GL fans PO'd at artist'.)