***Off topic***
What a hectic morning. Sort out my Uni application. Work on a friend's resume. Work on some reports for work, before I go to work (evening shift today), travel back to the DCMB to infrom JacenSolo about the errors of his ways (and it's only 9.15am).

1. Jackie, yes you did destroy all of the Chant clones. . . except Chants69, 345, & 747, who were in the pub with Dionysus at the time of your attack :)

2. It Bundy, not Brundy [nyah hah]

3. Don't worry about JacenSolo, back in the DCMB's. We can only try to enlighten his dim views - We can't do anything about genetics! (I have a feeling, his sister, cousin & wife are the same person [nyah hah] - did I say that out load. . . oops [um....  uh huh! ...  ] [who, me?] )

4. You are doing an admirable job taking on all of the sterotypical roles of the superheroine.

CJ: What! [you sunnuva...] [izzat so?]

Brit: Except the the 'brainwashed ditz" and the "slut" roles, of course!!!!

5. Oh and eh...Jackie...please learn to control your alter egos..." [wink]

[ 01-05-2003, 05:39 PM: Message edited by: Britannica ]