Originally posted by (young) Nightwing:
Narrator: (young) Nightwing steps forth from the shadows. For him, the time for reconaissance has passed.
(y)NW: For a supervillain capable of booting the gods off Mount Olympus, Chant leaves a sloppy trail. waitaminit...Chant? Why do I recognize him?...and the JLR!
If memory serves me correctly, I haven't dealt with any of them before to-- [eh?]
Narrator: The rookie (?) member of the JLR beholds a giant paper golem.
(y)NW--Another paper golem. Great . I've faced a golem before... ! I'd better sort things out later. right now, the JLR needs my help.

Britannica [looking at this young "stranger"]: No. . . it couldn't be. . . . could it!?! [biiiig grin] Is this the return of our much lamented. . . *WHACK* ooof [eh?] *thud*

Mr. Misinformation [standing over the prone Britannica, holding volume 3 of the Library of Congress Subject Headings (which is really big and really hurts when clobbered over someones head)]: [eh?] Who is this newby?

She-Chant: I don't know? But it looks like he works out . . . [humina humina]

Mr. Misinformation: honeypie . . .? [sad]

La Machine: Nooooooooooooo, my beloved She-Chant has affections for another! [AAAHHHH!!!]

Ace: Never mind that! Look at Harpy!

Harpy: [humina humina] Caw! Caaaaaawwwwww!