Chant: Well, I think it is about time to make a discreet, but stylish strategic withdrawal.....
A huge FFFFFWWWWUUUSHHHHH sounds and Chant throws a little ball into the ground and a little smoke spreads quickly and is dispersed even faster... The Heroes all look at Chant who now running away from the fight towards teleporting frog which resides at a small lake...
Chant: Darn, Shoulda picked up the frog before I made my retreat!!!
DLD: Quick, get him before he mails himself or something like that!!!
(young) Nightwing: mails himself???
Cowgirl Jack: Yes, it´s a power that he apparently acquired at some point. The short story is he kidnapped me at folded the both of us into papersize and mailed us via airmail...
(young) nightwing: Huh???
La Machine: Don´t stand there and look like dullwitted brutes, do something, he is getting away!!!!
Britannica: I shall take him with my Britannarang!!!!
Britannica draws his Britannarang and throws it. It falls to ground after a few feet and everyone is looking from it to britannica over and over again.
Ace: What just happened, you could´nt throw it a longer distance than that???
Britannica: Darn, I seem to have forgotten to change the batteries!!!
Mr. Misinformation: You should use Energizer!!
Britannica: What???
MM: Energizer, you know, the one with the little bunny that just keeps going and going and going and going and going and going and go
Britannica: Alright already, I get the picture!!!
MM: well, it´s true, it just keeps going and going and
Everyone all at once: SHUT UP!!!!!!
MM (with a small voice): sorry.......BUT IT`S TRUE!!!!
Suddenly they all remember that Chant is getting away, correction has gotten away.....
Will the JLR and IRL put aside their differences and hunt the archnemesis of Christmas mail and all that is good and pure? Will Chant ever find out who the mysterious Mastermind behind it all is???
Read more some other time???
That´s right people, there´s a new mysterious man in town!!!