The Narrator: Oops, watch out, backflash alert!


At Mr. Misinformation's lair. She-Chant is reading the "Chantania Rant", Chantania's number one selling newspaper.

SC: Hey, whadduyaknow, my big sister, Chantina's finally getting hitched. Didn't invite me to the wedding. B!+c#!

Toxic Bob: Chantina, that vision of loveliness? The only thing that has consumed my thoughts night and day? [humina humina]

SC: Well, I've never heard her described quite like that before. . . but . . . um. . . I guess [eh... i dunno... ]

TB: Nooooooo!!!! [you sunnuva...] I am not going to let the only woman I love, marry some soppy King! [Gets up and runs for the door] Hold on Chantina! I'm coming!!!!! [humina humina] [Toxic Bob runs out the door and jumps on his old and trusty US Postal Delivery bicycle and starts peddling towards Chantania]

Just then Bundy Bear, Superfly Sr., Tractor Trailer Bob and The Amazing Harry enter the lair. . . carrying the unconcsious form of AGW!

TAH: Thanks for leaving us at Mount Olympus guys!

MM: Oops, sorry, it was all the confusion, and the hitting and the . . . [um....  uh huh! ...  ]

TAH: Nevermind. . .

Bundy: Hey, where was Bob off to in such a hurry?

To be continued. . .

The Narrator: Will Toxic Bob make it in time to Chantania to stop the wedding between RM552 (pretending to be King RM552.5 of Doesntreallyexista) and his beloved Chantina?

Well obviously not, as Mr. Misinformation was too slow to post this post. But I'm sure I can salvage something with it :)

[ 01-08-2003, 04:27 PM: Message edited by: Mr. Misinformation ]