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#216411 2002-05-09 6:27 AM
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This thread is devoted to the synopses of the stories of the Hero Revolution Universe, after an idea of TTT, who want to use them for a website of his own creation.

I will post the synopses here, so everybody could suggest modifications and correct mistakes.

Chewy has voluntered to translate my "Englitalian". He is a moderator for this board, so he can made changes directly to my post.

When we all agree that a synapses is correct, TTT could use it.

And now, the first story:

Hero Revolution prelude: "Times past #1: MCCA"
Rob's Board, 10-13-2001, topic starter: Gooz X

January 1996: American President Richard S. Turner is killed during his Inaugural Address. After a month, Vice President Robert Brown steps into office as the first African-American to fill the role.

Meanwhile, a secret operation is taking place in Nevada. A huge complex is built as the headquarters of a secret government agency known as the Metagene Cover and Control Agency (MCCA), directed by Richard Turner, whose death was merely a stunt. The agency has been created to study and control the population of "metahumans," people who have the "metagene" (a latent gene that, upon activation, manifests strange and often uncanny abilities to those who possess it). The rising percentage of metahumans among the general populace has sparked government concern. For this reason, the MCCA has been given total freedom to control every metahuman, whether they be dangerous or only "potentially dangerous."

Once the MCCA has been establlished, the news of the metagene discovery is announced to the world. Soon, the metahumans are discriminated against, first in the world of athletics, and then in every area of life.

Hero Revolution #0: "A New Beginning"
Rob's Damn Board, 9.19.2001-11.12.2001, topic starter: The Eurostar

September 2001: Edulcore Cicciotto -- cook, heroin addict, and ex-sportstar -- moves to Bologna, Italy. Until the year 1996 he was the Olympic champion of the track world, known by his nickname "Eurostar." However, after the exclusion of the metahumans from the Games, he was forced to give back all his medals and find a new role in society. Since leaving the glamorous world of the sports-star was extremely hard to deal with, Cicciotto became a junkie, living his life as an outcast. Then, thanks to the help of a young priest, he found comfort in religion and the support he needed to start a new life. He opened a restaurant with the remnants of his fortune, but he has not yet kicked his heroin addiction.

One night, Cicciotto awakes to find a woman inside his apartment. This woman is an agent who goes by the code-name of "Lioness" and is in the employ of the European city-state of Mandelovia. She takes Eurostar with her to a helicopter, piloted by her fellow agent, "57." The helicopter brings the trio to Mandelovia, where Eurostar is handed to Doctor Henry Quantos, head of the Research and Development Department for Malvan-X Enterprises.

Dr. Quantos explains to Cicciotto that the American agency called the MCCA is trying to capture him because he has a so-called Alpha-Class metagene, meaning that he is the potential holder of many more uncanny powers yet to manifest. Dr. Quantos goes on to further explain that the MCCA collects potentially powerful metas from all around the world and hands them to Tri-Vex, a genetic research corporation which works hand-in-hand with the US government. The aim of Tri-Vex, according to Quantos, is to have the collected metahumans fully manifest their abilities and eventually clone them. Their motive remains a mystery, but there are clues that Earth could be involved in an interstellar war with alien races, leaving a metahuman army as the only option facing the comparitavely technologically-impaired planet.

The question haunts Eurostar: How can the MCCA know of his Alpha-Class gene?

Quantos' answer seems almost unbelievable: The head of the Tri-Vex Corporation, one Dr. Zachary Knell (given the unfortunate nickname of "Doctor Clone" by his peers), had procured a blood sample of Cicciotto's once given to the Olympic Committee during what is now called the Olympic Metahuman Purge. With this sample Knell had created a clone of Cicciotto in order to further study his metagene; the only thing he needed now was the original. Dr. Quantos shows the ex-athlete a photograph of a young baby floating in mid-air with snakes protruding from his head as some proof of the validity of his claim.

Dr. Quantos then asks Cicciotto to cooperate with Malvan-X, but the Eurostar is far too frightened by all this to participate in any spy game not of his own choosing. After Quantos leaves Edulcore alone to brood, and suddenly a hologram of a mysterious figure materializes in the room with him: This figure is none other than Agent Turner of the MCCA, who claims that Malvan-X wants to use Cicciotto as a living bomb for a terrorist strike on the USA. According to Turner, in the next 48 hours the alpha metagene will manifest and, if not properly treated, will end in an explosion of nuclear capacity.

The transmission is stopped by Malvan-X security, who then set up a trap for Turner. Agent 57, disguised as Cicciotto, fakes an escape from the Malvan-X building and is quickly captured by Turner and shipped to the MCCA complex in Nevada. Once there, he manages to destroy the complex but is killed in the process, causing the MCCA to believe Cicciotto is dead.

Meanwhile, Dr. Quantos explains to Cicciotto that Turner's words were actually partially true, and that in the next 48 hours his metagene will manifest as an explosion. Furthermore, it had been Cicciotto's addiction to heroin that had until now prevented any further super-powers from manifesting in that metagene. Dr. Quantos goes on to explain that, when Eurostar enters re-hab, his body will morph into his new state, releasing a massive amount of energy; however, he will be unharmed by the occurrence despite Turner's claims.

Meanwhile, at the headquarters of the Tri-Vex Corporation in Thunder City, USA, Dr. Charles Walker, assistant head of metagene research, is transferred to a secret government operation called the EPS (Enhanced Procurement Sanction). This team has direct ties to the MCCA but is based in Chicago and charged with the advanced study of metahumans. Just before his departure, his colleague Dr. Walter Curie informs him that, during a test of the genetic imprint on every Tri-Vex employee, Walker was discovered to be the carrier of an unmanifested metagene. Due to his friendship with Walker, Curie has not reported the scientist to Knell, causing Walker to be indebted to him.

Arriving in Chicago, Walker meets Agent Turner, who shows him the facilities and explains his new job. His tells him, "We pay/fund your research, and in return, you hunt and capture people with the metagene. Using the facilities, you shall train and make them part of your team, using them to capture others and so on." The very next day, Walker -- aided by his cyber assistant, I.G.O.R. -- begins his mission to procure criminal and outcast metahumans.

Chicago happens to be the city with the most concentrated metahuman population in the world, and it houses a complex maximum security prison called "the Zoo" which serves as a jail for captured metas. There two people meet: Tobias Christopher, a young man who happens to have super-velocity, and Mick Harrison, who is somehow possessed by an interdimensional being called Mister Mxy.

The two exchange stories of how they came to be prisoners in the Zoo. Tobias relates that, during his capture the MCCA agents killed his girlfriend, causing him to vow revenge on his attackers. Mick, on the other hand, had escaped some days before from an asylum after Mxy turned his guards into cows. He then walked through the streets of Chicago turning more unpleasant people into cattle. He eventually met a pretty sales clerk named Shirley Francis but ended up getting her fired from her job by "borrowing" a top hat and coat from the department store where she worked. Finally, Mxy (through Mick) met and temporarily defeated his evil counterpart, Mister Ktl, who was possessing the body of a man named Karl Starr. Afterwards, Mxy arrived at his destination, a place on Lake Michigan that was supposed to be the starting point of the "invasion" he had been sent to thwart, only to find he had arrived much earlier than his appointed time. Mxy turned into Mick, only to be captured by MCCA and delivered to the Zoo.

Mister Ktl, had escaped from an asylum as well, but was instead blowing the heads off innocent bystanders. After many further deaths and the fight with Mxy, Karl Starr succeeds in gaining control back for a moment and causes a policeman to kill him and thus free himself from his possession. In need of a new host, Ktl possesses the body of Eduardo Frederico, an ex-champion athlete and rival of Edulcore Cicciotto. However, the dead Karl Starr is soon resurrected by a mysterious being called Naecken, giving him a chance to find revenge over Ktl. This superior being suggests to Karl -- now little more than a zombie -- that he should seek out Edulcore Cicciotto for help in defeating the extra-dimensional being known as Mister Ktl.

The zombie begins travelling toward Europe, but along the highway just outside Chicago he begins destroying the oncoming traffic while under the mistaken belief that they want to destroy him. Naecken then reappears in order to stop his "creation" who had obviously gone too far. The fight ends as Starr is knocked out and Naecken disappears. Starr is then taken into custody by the Chicago Police Department but is soon kindnapped by a team of ninjas from the Mandelovian Security Agency who were investigating the relationship between himself and Eurostar. The team brings Starr to O'Hare Airport in Chicago, where a private jet from Malvan-X is waiting for them to return to Mandelovia.
At the same time, Tobias Christopher and Mister Mxy, having escaped from the Zoo, are also headed to O'Hare when Mxy senses his counterpart's presence nearby.

One day prior, in the Mandelovian desert, the agent known as Lioness brings Eurostar to the barren place appointed for his "transformation," and he is chained to a rock there and left alone. When Eurostar's heroin addiction becomes too severe to hold it in any longer, an explosion takes place, leaving Cicciotto now able to alter his density anywhere from the hardness of granite to the consistency of air. Changing his density to become lighter than air, he soars in the sky in order to locate Lioness' car. He finds the girl's dead body instead, however, along with several MCCA agents ready to arrest him for her murder. Eurostar sinks into the ground and runs away undetected. In truth, the real killer had been Ktl while in possession of Frederico's body.

Cicciotto emerges from the sand hours later and stumbles over a young man named Danny Hearn who claims to come from the future. In the year 2083 he was captured by a scientist who performed experiments on him, giving him a sort of second brain with its own particular personality, called Hal. Danny is also given the power to change parts of his body into those of animals; this power is largely due to this second brain and nanites in his bloodstream. When a gunfight destroyed his cage, Danny took refuge in a time machine, which then exploded upon impact by a stray bullet and sent Danny into the past. He found himself in the Mandelovian desert on the railroad tracks and manages to get on a passing train, where he meets Gus McKellan, a kind man who gives him clothes, food, and tells him that it is the year 2001. Upon learning this, Danny is thrown out of the train due to his not having a ticket to ride.

Together, Danny and Eurostar fly to the Mandelovian Airport. Eurostar wants to leave Mandelovia and head for the USA in order to find his "son," the clone created by the Tri-Vex Corporation. Danny has nowhere to go, so he decides to follow Cicciotto. After having stolen a passport from someone who bears a slight resemblance to Danny, Euro turns into his ghost form and hides inside the young man. During the flight to Chicago, Cicciotto learns that his old rival, Eduardo Frederico, is sitting a few rows behind them.

Arriving in Chicago, Eurostar and Danny are about to leave O'Hare when Ktl (in Frederico's body) gets ready to assault the pair, but a huge explosion nearby distracts him. From the direction of the flames the zombie Karl Starr runs at Frederico, screaming as he goes. Just as the fight breaks out, Naecken arrives on the scene looking for Starr. Tobias and Mxy also show up, along with Tobias' cat, Li'l Jo. Not long after the fight begins, though, the Airport is swarmed by MCCA agents. By the time the confusion has ended, Karl Starr had once again been killed, this time by Naecken, Mxy had temporarily defeated his counterpart, and the five metahumans had escaped together.

Mxy brings them to a small wooden house by Lake Michigan, where they share their individual stories and make a pact to help each other in fulfilling their goals: to avenge the murder of Tobias' girlfriend, to find Eurostar's "son," to defeat Ktl, and to destroy a "greater evil," as Naecken put it. Danny, having nowhere else to go, agrees to join them.

Suddenly, the cabin is attacked by a group of MCCA agents. The battle that ensues is fierce, but Eurostar manages to kill none of the agents, instead taking their weapons and retreating to a secret place created by Mxy and Naecken. The battle has meanwhile been observed by Arnold "Bibbo" Bibowsky, Security Chief for Malvan-X, sent to America to find Eurostar and bring him back.

Eurostar later returns to the scene of the battle in invisible form and is approached by a bearded man who seems to see him, informing him about the plight of the hundreds of metahumans unjustly caged in the Zoo.

Lastly, after having experienced many strange black-outs, Agent Turner hears a voice inside his head telling him to find clues to his past in some secret files the MCCA has classified. When he manages to find them, he discovers that everything he thinks he knows about his past and his memories are nothing but lies.

[ 08-08-2002, 04:04 PM: Message edited by: TheTimeTrust ]

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Thank you !

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The deed is done...

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the story seems almost to be logical when you put it like this
I like it...great work.

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Nicely done, Euro! I can't wait to read the following ones...

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Great job, Chewy!

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....makes sense......I think....

So, the Revolution, then, is:

Eurostar : Former Olympic athelete who has the ability to alter his density.

Tobias Christopher : The Fastest Man Alive, hungry for revenge over the death of his girlfriend.

Naeken : Mysterious....uh...sorcerer?

Danny : Ani-morph from the year 2083.

Mick Harrison/Mister Mxy : Common loon inhabited "Captain Marvel/Rick Jones"-style by a 5th-Dimensional imp.

And Lioness, Agent-57, and Karl Starr are dead, right?

What about Arnold Bibbowsky? Dr. Quantos? Charles Walker?

I this up-to-date, or merely the beginning?

By the way, EXCELLENT work Euro-Chewy! I'm amazed, baffled, and impressed with the clarity and precision of how this read. It helps alot!

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Originally posted by Prometheus:
[QBMick Harrison/Mister Mxy : Common loon inhabited "Captain Marvel/Rick Jones"-style by a 5th-Dimensional imp.

Yeah, except this 5th dimensional being is not really a mischievious imp... Back in the 5th Dimension, Mxy (or MxypltK, since that was before splitting in two) was just a dull being... His current personality is explained by the constant state of confusion using an inferior 3rd-Dimensional brain causes him.

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I love it Mxy. I've told you before, but this is the best interpretation of your "Mxy" character that I've read so far. Funny, but doesn't HAVE to be. Love it.

Just promise me that you'll never get rid of the top hat and coat.....

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Heh, thanks. I wanted to make him as different from the Superman villian as possible, since the previous incarnation was a direct ripoff of that character...

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Originally posted by Prometheus:
By the way, EXCELLENT work Euro-Chewy! I'm amazed, baffled, and impressed with the clarity and precision of how this read. It helps alot!

Thanks, Pro! Hey, man, between this and the "change of e-mail" notice I got from you... does this mean that you'll finally be returning to the Boards to do your "Order" story and (heaven forbid) finish "TOMB Forever"?

Pro, again...
What about Arnold Bibbowsky? Dr. Quantos? Charles Walker?

I this up-to-date, or merely the beginning?

Oh, this is SO early on, I didn't even recall this stuff happening. This is all around "issue" one or so, while we are collectively working on "issue" six. Don't know how fast Euro is pumping these out, but as soon as he gets the next one out, I'll start in doing my part.

Good to have you back, Pro...

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Thank you Pro, you are very kindly, as always.
That synopse is exclusively about issue one, and a little prelude written by Gooz.
The second synopse is in the work, and should be on around the end of the week.

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Hero Revolution #1: "The Metagene"
Rob's Damn Board, 9.19.2001-11.12.2001, topic starter: Gooz X

In the secret hideout of the five fugitives, a solid bubble of air at the bottom of Lake Michigan, the being known as Naecken suddenly begins irradiating a vast amount of energy until it finally "explodes," causing him to split into five separate beings: an old man in robes, a female angel, a demon, a blue man covered in cyber-enhancements, and a young man about 25 years old. The five beings lie unconscious on the floor while Mxy explains that, without Naecken's help, he cannot sustain the air bubble for more than an hour.

Danny, Mxy and Tobias expect Eurostar to figure out their next step, but Cicciotto seems reluctant to take the role of leader. Something about this causes Danny, the young man from the future, to recall memories of history lessons he had once learned in school. He begins to remember once reading something about a "Hero Revolution" that freed the metahumans around the turn of the century, led by a group of metas amazingly similar to them but headed by a sixth man whose real name was forgotten but was called "the Mad."

Cicciotto asks to be left alone in the room so he can have some time to consider all their options. If they stay there they will drown, but if they go to the surface they will find the MCCA waiting for them. When he is finally alone, the five strange beings wake from their slumber. They go on to explain To Eurostar that they are the creatures who form Naecken, that he does not have to worry about the hideout because unknown forces are at work that will built a true fortress for them, and that they need to seek out a true leader for the group, a man living in Chicago whose sight taps into other dimensions and has the knowledge and the experience needed. One of the beings hands Cicciotto a sphere of energy that will bring him to the man. Lastly, they tell Eurostar to give the team the name MBL, letters which mean nothing to him but have great significance to "the gods." Having said that, the five beings fall asleep once more.

Eurostar tells his friends what was said to him and then leaves to seek out the group's destined leader. The sphere of energy given to him by the five beings brings him to an underground garage in downtown Chicago, a place cluttered with garbage, where he meets a strange man with a British accent who claims to already know him. The black-garbed man calls himself "Nowhereman" and speaks of a team of metahumans called the MBL, in which Eurostar was one of the members. Although very perplexed, Eurostar takes him and transports him to the location of the hideout while in ghostly form. Instead of the air bubble, they find a huge, classic-looking temple made of golden marble and surrounded by walls of fire and clouds, where the four other metas and their cat await them dressed in strange outfits.

Upon meeting the others Nowhereman seems to recognize Tobias, Danny and Mxy, but mixes up Naecken for a certain Changeling. The guys explain that the building had spontaneously grown out from the lake bottom. While Cicciotto is surprised, Nowhereman is completely unfazed by this turn of events and suggests that they hold a meeting. While the group sits around the round, wooden table salvaged from the old log cabin where they first met, a new man dressed in green arrives. Nowhereman recognizes him as Kristogar Velo, his identity confirmed by the stranger who also claims to have never met the Brit.

After all the introductions are over, the group goes to a training room provided in the new headquarters, where they operate flawlessly in virtual reality in an outer space setting. After the session they return to the meeting room, only to find it filled by over sixty metahumans, all colorfully dressed, who unmask themselves at Velo's unspoken command, revealing that all of them -- including Kristogar Velo -- have obsidian eyes. They attack the six metahumans in unison, and this time the group's performance in battle is very poor, so different from the training session. Just as they are about to succumb, Naecken orders the temple to collapse over the assailants, all but the group of six.

The six metas and the cat find themselves back on the shore of Lake Michigan in their original torn clothing. Seeing Nowhereman talking to himself with three different voices, Mxy points out that he cannot be their leader. Eurostar understand that the others think that he should be a sort of guide for them, so he accepts the burden and begins to lead, asking Tobias to find them a place to hide.

In a nearby cave where the group finds shelter from the rain, Naecken explains to Eurostar that what attacked them was a "great evil" from a different plane of existence which was channeled to this Universe by the transdimensional forces which constituted the temple. The evil seduced many people, and Naecken had to kill all of them in order to save the group of six. The evil still exists out there, however, trying to possess more people, and it is their duty to stop it. But Cicciotto disagrees, saying they must find a place where they can still hide from the authorities but also eat and sleep under a roof. And a bizarre idea is born: they need to find a circus.

The next day, thanks to Tobias' super-speed, the group locates a circus. Cicciotto presents himself as the manager of the Sardella Brothers, a circus attraction looking for work. That night, the last one in Chicago before the Circus moves on, the six new acrobats have their first performance. Among the spectators was Shirley, the girl from the department store, who recognizes one of the performers as the same young man who caused her to be fired from her job. She meets Mick, believing him to be the same as the Mister Mxy she met, but to his dismay she wants to thanks him. She had seen footage of the fight at the log cabin on television, and she is glad that someone is rising to challenge the government over the oppression of the metahumans, especially since her Uncle Otto was one of them. What she says to him makes an impact on him; he had been determined to find a way to make Mxy leave him so he could return to his normal life, but now he wants to stay with the "heroes."

Meanwhile, the demonic evil that attacked the heroes has begun to spread among the population of Chicago, infecting them with a plague, a deadly virus that opens their minds to its possession. Thus, after the show as the heroes gather to eat and talk, a man with obsidian eyes falls upon them after crashing through the window. Naecken engulfs him in holy fire, destroying the host. The evil presence leaves him only to be destroyed by a white beam of energy shot by a strangely dressed girl who suddenly arrives. The girl calls herself "Crasher" and then runs away, much to the surprise of the heroes.

The infestation continues to spread, causing problems among the heroes. Naecken thinks they should intervene, while Eurostar believes that their first duty is to stay out of the public eye and pack up to follow the Circus as it heads off to Thunder City. Naecken doubts Euro's motivation, saying he wants to leave for Thunder City because that is where his "son" is held captive, but Eurostar denies it. Danny sides with Naecken, saying that soon the Circus will no longer be able to protect them from exposure since their powers will eventually get noticed by someone, but then a sudden pain is felt by the young man, a big headache because of which he has to go back to his van. Then he finds that his eyes have changed into obsidian black, but the anger mounting inside him is placated by Hal, his second brain.

Outside, the remainding heroes are attack by the clown Bosco, possessed by the obsidian presence; they defeat him, and even Eurostar is convinced that they have to do something. They call on Danny and go to the infested part of the city, where hundreds of people are making riots in the streets.

When they arrive there, they are briefly joined by Crasher, who explains that the crowd is heading for the Zoo, the special secret prison where MCCA locked up the captured metahumans. If the plague were to spread there, many metas of Alpha class will manifest the metagene at full potential, becoming able to tear down the whole country.

Meanwhile, a spell chanted by Naecken makes the demon responsible for the plague become physically manifest as a huge, dark skinned dragon which comes out from the underground.

Eurostar takes charge, ordering Naecken and Mxy to stop the demon beast, while they will enter the Zoo to free the metahumans before they too are possessed. Danny, Nowhereman and Tobias combat the crowd outside the main gates of the secret facility, while Cicciotto phases inside it.

Inside, he discovers many killed guards and also four men and a woman that seem to have just arrived. They are the EPS: Walker, the director, and his "employees": Andy Reynolds, a young metahuman with multiple criminal records, William Tweed, ex-crime boss, "John Doe," professional killer bearer of uncanny powers, and Vidalia Owens, ex-prostitute and empath. The corpses lying on the floor surprise them as well, but soon the responsible party is identified: a huge metahuman infected by the obsidian plague, also called "the pathogen" by Walker.

At the same time, the demon beast swallows both Naecken and Mxy: they were almost done for, when Naecken merges with the demonic being, neutralizing it. As he had explained to Mxy just before acting, his angelic side will cancel out the evilness of the demon, but he will be altered forever. A glowing blue aura surrounds the beast and the possessed people, who are all seemingly cured from the plague. The monster implodes, and Mxy finds himself free. Next to him is Naecken, now totally black and more muscular. He doesn't remember anything about himself.

Meanwhile, inside the complex, Walker sets Doe against the metahuman monster. The EPS agent manages to cause a crackling lighting bolt to break the roof and hit the monster, which collapses, dead. Eurostar confronts Walker, calling him mad for having created an easy access to the crowd of possessed people. Walker states that he just doesn't care, and while Cicciotto uses his powers to secure the broken ceiling, the EPS agents quickly collect a sample of blood from the possessed meta and secret files about MCCA agents from the computers. Then they disappear by means of teletransportation.

The heroes run inside and help Eurostar to free the caged prisoners. Once again Crasher shows up, urging the heroes to leave, fearing that the police will arrive soon; she says she will take care of the metahumans. While the heroes, minus Eurostar, disappear through one of Mxy's transdimensional portals, the prisoners escape from the roof aboard several helicopters. Eurostar leaves the complex to find gathered outside of it a crowd even bigger than before. There can be seen the people freed from the plague, policemen, many others there due to curiosity, as well as a few television journalists. Eurostar then levitates above the people, and in front of the cameras he says: "People of Chicago! Today, six metahumans have freed your city from a menace that was about to kill every one of you. The very ones that you hate and your government hunts down, are your saviors." This is the first public declaration pronounced about the metahuman revolution.

Ktl: In Chicago, Ktl, still inhabiting the body of Eduardo Frederico, ex-rival of the Olympic champion Edulcore Cicciotto, is enlisted by a mysterious person, who seems unaffected by Ktl's explosive powers. His goals are a complete mystery.

Agent Turner: Ritchie Steven, a.k.a. Agent Turner, having discovered that his past is all but a lie, travels to Lightingburg, a suburb of Thunder City which is the home of TriVex Corporation. He heads directly to director Knell's office; there, the scientist dubbed Doktor Klone by his employees sits behind his desk after having taken a sample of blood from the little Eddie, Cicciotto's four-month-old clone. Turner confronts Knell on the subject of the contents of some files he found in the MCCA Headquarter in Nevada. The scientist confirms them: the agent has been cloned from the MCCA Head of Operations, Richard Stephen Turner, in the year 1997, and was rapidly aged and supplied with a false set of memories. Moreover, his genetic imprint has been altered with a metagene which has transformed Turner into a prototype supersoldier. Turner leaves, but he first injects Knell with the blood sample of Eddie.

Turner then returns to the MCCA complex in Nevada to confront his "father." He reveals the plan that was behind MCCA: in the past decade, they have discovered that the metagene lays dormant in every human. They have unleashed, to study it, in many people: athletes, soldiers, and civilians, but at a great cost. With the creation of Agent Turner, they have given to one man the power to do that all by himself, the ability to awake the sleeping metagene. Agent Turner has been created to be the leader of an army of supermen, a personal army for Stephen Turner. But "Ritchie Stevens" ends it all, killing his father and destroying the whole complex, including the files and the many secrets the MCCA held. After a few days, after much useless detective work, the MCCA is officially closed by the president, considering it a failed experiment. But that doesn't put an end to the persecution of the metahumans.

Seemingly unrelated plot: In the New Thunder Museum in Thunder City, two guards named Christopher and Derek are on patrol, but when they stumble upon a huge, disfigured man, the second reveals himself to be a metahuman shapeshifter, in league with the intruder. After a short scuffle, the two are gone, and Christopher discovers that an ancient bowl has been stolen.

[ 08-14-2002, 01:45 PM: Message edited by: TheTimeTrust ]

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Good stuff, Euro!

Are we going to see more of this soon?

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And could you pleeeaaase edit the Crusher to Crasher.

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Yes for both of you!

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I have taken the liberty of editing Euro's "Englitalian" so I can start putting these synopses up at the MBL Consulting site (I think Chewy must've forgotten about it). This last one was written in June, though. Any chance of a new one soon?

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Originally posted by TheTimeTrust:
(I think Chewy must've forgotten about it)

Yep, and thanks.

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TTT, cross your finger, because I am beginning to work over issue 2, but I don't know when I will finish it.

But, I don't think that I should be the only one to write them, tough. Feel free to do the same any of you! [wink]

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I won't write the summaries for any of the stories before "Return to Mandelovia," though, since my character hadn't really shown up yet. I'll definitely write the summary for "Selling Out," though.

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Well, that's relieving. :)

I will write all the stories up to the future one.

That one should be written by Gooz or Chewy.

Maybe you (TTT) could then write "Hide and chase" (the escape from Mandelovia), Pete was there, after all.

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I'll give it a shot.

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How about a run down on all the characters?

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Ceej, check out the Secret Files and Origins thread in conjunction with the La Perdita Job Applications thread. That should tell you a majority of what you need to know about characters. Anything you don't understand, get in touch with one of the posters on the board and ask for help...

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