Woo! Here we go.
Daniel Hearn was born in Melbourne, Australia on January first, 2063. Fast forward twenty years: Daniel is on holiday in Europe in 2083. He's 20 years old, and he's wandering a small city named Fitzroy in the east of the small yet technologically advanced European nation of Mandelovia.
Danny got lost while wandering around the city's back alleys, and eventually stumbled into a hidden laboratory in search of aid.
There, he was knocked unconscious by the insane yet brilliant Dr. John Feldman. Feldman used Danny as a guinea pig to test his brand new technology.
Feldman had developed a technology that involved him introducing a certain amount of newly grown bacteria into a person's bloodstream. These microbes can be programmed to follow any directions given to them... repair wounded limbs, eradicate a disease from a person's bloodstream, etc.
Feldman, however, had programmed the bacteria to augment a person's physical characteristics temporarily by adding animal traits. Bird wings, monkey tails, etc.
To store all the necessary DNA codes, and to interface directly with the bacteria, Feldman needed to add a second brain to Daniel's. So he killed his lab assistant, Hal, and placed portions of Hal's brain into Daniel's head.
The result of all this was as follows:
Daniel now possesses the ability to temporarily add to his body any animal part that is stored in Hal's memory. And Hal has thousands upon thousands of parts stored, so Daniel can have practically any animal part you can name. He can't do things that are extinct or mythological, though: Only real animals, because Feldman had o be able to get a DNA sample of the animal to copy the DNA coding and program it into Hal's memory.
Daniel merely has to say the name of the animal part, Hal looks it up in his memory, and the microbes in Daniel's blood make the changes. He then says "Reverse (animal part)", and he goes back to his human state.
Daniel's private thoughts remain his own; to communicate with Hal, Daniel needs to speak out loud. Hal, however, can only be heard in Daniel's head.
After all this had been done to Daniel, Feldman had him locked up in a tube full of goo. One day, Feldman's lab was attacked by armed men in black (it has yet to be revealed who these men were, or who they were working for). Daniel was released from his captivity. But to take cover from the firefight between Feldman and the men in black, Daniel hid in a nearby cabinet. Unbeknownst to him, the cabinet was part of a time machine, which became damaged in the battle. The machine mafunctioned, and sent Daniel back to the year 2001.
Daniel found himself in the desert near Mandelovia, where he met up with Eurostar, a metahuman on the run. The two of them have since encountered more super powered individuals, and together, they have all begun to form a team of revolutionaries.